Chapter Five

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Author's Note: Hello again! I know I haven't updated in a while, but I did warn that this would happen! So I've finally caught myself up a bit in my writing and figured I'd throw a chapter out there and hopefully garner some interest, as it's been off to a slow start. So, here you go, chapter five! Please make sure to read, comment and vote!



I swear, the sun here is brighter than anywhere else could possibly be. Even Florida. And that’s saying something. No, I suppose it only makes sense that I wake up to blinding sunlight, since every surface in this place is one version or another of reflective. I cup my hand over my temple and roll onto my opposite side, turning my back to the wide windows. It doesn’t do much good when the opposing wall shines the light right back into my eyes. Ugh. Somebody get a dimmer switch on Asgard please. The golden, glowing city on the mountain is only so charming for so long.

 “Are you yet sleeping?” I hear a female voice ask. I open my eyes wide and sit upright as the pressure shifts on the bed by my feet.

 “Um…who are you exactly? And why were you watching me sleep?” I ask groggily. The woman is the only other woman I’ve seen besides Frigga since yesterday. She looks strong and stern, her dark hair piled high atop her head, braid wrapped about itself  before spilling down her back. Her metallic clothing does nothing to help my bleeding eyes.

 “I am Lady Sif,” she bows her head slightly and I do likewise, feeling obliged. “Thor has charged me with keeping you.”

 “Keeping me…from what? Getting into trouble? Escaping? Dying? Because I honestly feel like my head could implode right about now,” I groan, rubbing my temples.

 “Adjusting, yes. Thor informed me your adjustment has only yet begun. It will get much worse, I assure you.” This woman gives a whole new meaning to distant. Her eyes appraise me indifferently and her posture is generally angled away from me. She does not look me directly into the eyes. Maybe it’s akin the affect a puppy in a shelter has on you. You look into their poor, pathetic eyes and BAM! They’ve got you suckered. Don’t look into the pathetic eyes of anyone or you’re bound to fall for them.

 I sigh, “That’s comforting.”

“You will get yourself dressed for the day and come to break your fast with myself, Thor and the Warriors Three. You must become better acquainted for it is you on whom we are relying for great success,” she states as though this is all perfectly logical. It is all I can do to nod slowly, mouth slightly agape. I throw the blankets aside and pull myself begrudgingly out of bed. I can feel her eyes on me as I reach for the clothes at the end of the bed.

 “I don’t even know what this is?” I stare down at the soft fabric in my hands.

"Surely you have dresses on Midgard?" Sif looks surprised and I laugh. 

"Well, yes, but I'd much rather pants," I admit with a shrug. A nice sweatshirt and leggings. That's probably not going to fly around here.

A grin spreads across her mouth, surprising me. "I do believe I may yet enjoy your presence, Lady Valkyrie."

"Thanks," I nod with a smile and she bows her head slightly and leaves me to change. I hold the dress up, the thin yellow fabric slightly disconcerting. I pull my clothes from yesterday off my tired limbs and deposit them where I kicked my brown boots off yesterday. I wiggle out of my jeans and with hesitation, toss them aside for the dress. I slip my head through and the fabric flutters slightly before settling nicely against my body. I squirm a bit, the bust too big and the waist just slightly clinging. Guess it was too much to hope for them to magically know my size. In all, the dress is fairly pretty--off the shoulder, a pale yellow with strategically placed golden threads that make me thankful I kept my undergarments on. The fabric is thin, and looking in the mirror I can see the outline of my own legs, but in all, it isn't terribly revealing. Barefoot, I wander to the door and I take a deep breath before opening it. Thor straightens and smiles at me while he finishes whispering something to Sif in a foreign tongue. He holds out a pair of golden slippers that looked dwarfed in comparison to the rest of his body. I smile appreciatively and bow my head slightly, figuring it's the proper thing for a future king. 

"Come along then, I am famished!" Thor declares taking my hand just as I finish slipping my shoes on. I link my arm through his which is likely not the proper way, but he doesn't attempt to correct me. He chatters on about something as I look around me in utter awe of every surface of this palace. Everything is exquisitely beautiful. It's a shame to rush past so quickly. We also pass the dining hall, filled with people, and onto another, small room. At the single round table in this room there are seated three men. They rise from their seats upon our arrival and Thor escorts me to the table. He seats me on his left and Sif grabs the chair to his right. 

"I am Fandral, my lady," the man to my left says with a smile and flourishing kiss to my hand. 

"Oh...hi!" I smile and nod. 

"Hogun," says the man in the middle of Fandral and...

"Volstagg!" The third and final of the Warriors Three cheers with a mouthful of food. I stifle a laugh and offer a smile as Sif shakes her head at him disdainfully. She elbows him playfully and I see the five as they sit are as close as friends as you could hope for. They jump into conversing and chattering away about things I don't quite understand, handing each other food and drink as Volstagg laughs boisterously. I sit, dumbfounded and not sure what to do with myself. 

"Please," Fandral says in my ear, snapping me out of my trance, "have something to eat, my lady."

"It's Val," I correct and I look around, my stomach grumbling. "And yes, please! I'm starved!" 

Fandral laughs and hands me bread and fruits as Volstagg grins, mouth still full. "My kind of woman!"

"Isn't she just," Fandral remarks quietly and I turn to look at him with wide eyes, surprised and oddly flattered. He smiles at me and embarrassed, I turn my gaze back to my plate.

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