[06] assaulted

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┌────────────┐MADDIE ALBAH└────────────┘

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SHE CAN officially say she has got her daily cardio in. She walked through streets, trying to find anything that was remotely familiar when she had been staring out the car window on the way to the showgrounds. But all she found was a Maccas that was still open as she stood outside, the lights from inside the takeout restaurant illuminating against her back as it casted a shadow over the front of her.

She was trying to rack through her brain to figure out what the street name to her grandparents' house was. But, she came up with nothing, not recalling a single moment where she heard her mum, dad, or grandparents specifically say the name of the street. Which only made things worse because it started to get a little colder by the minute.

The rustling of leaves from the couple trees in the parking lot of the Maccas became louder, and as she looked at them being illuminated by the street lights, their branches could easily be seen moving. It was kind of sad she lived here for twelve years, and yet she didn't remember a damn thing of where anything was. But considering she was a little kid at the time, she couldn't really blame herself that much.

Hugging herself a little bit tighter to keep warm, she tried to look around to see if anything stood out to her from earlier. Staring at the other side of the road, at the trees and walking paths, however, it all looked the complete same. Nothing stood out to her.

Loud, drunken laughter was heard behind her, quickly taking a glance over her shoulder at a group of three stumbling out of Maccas. The Manager shouted at them to go home or he'd call the police before stepping back inside, the motion sensor doors closing behind him.

"What a prick."

"Dude, I'm so starving!"

"We can just go to the pub and get something to bite."

"We got kicked out of the pub, man, remember? For fuck's sake."

Maddie quickly turned back around and began walking toward the road, hoping she wouldn't get caught up with the three men. Drunk people made her feel extremely uncomfortable and nervous, their actions and words unpredictable. She didn't know if they'd shout or scream or spit profanities at her, or maybe even raise a hand to her if she wasn't careful. Even though she knew they're just extremely confident and fun people with alcohol zooming around in their veins.

Crossing the road, she sped-walked toward the main road where the street lights were brighter and more cars were driving by. The sounds of the cars speeding by were almost calming to her, sort of nostalgic as she remembered a time when she was little, her and her dad sat at a bench at 8 PM for some fresh air before bed. Those were simpler days.

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