Chapter 17- Lou's Spot

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We were on the road for about five hours. I could've stayed in the car for days at a time as long as I was with Lou. Time moved differently when I was with her. At some points, time moved extremely fast and I was afraid that it would move so fast that I would not be able to keep track of it all. Other times, it moved slow, slow enough that I could feel the elongated tick in between each second that would pass in slow motion, soaking in all the information I could and storing it in my mind.

We pulled into a quiet driveway with trees all around us. Birds whistled and branches rustled with the wind, singing and dancing together in harmony. A house stood in front of us. It looked old and worn out with the weather, but there was no sign of neglect. Bushes were in front of the small porch and rocks lined the sidewalk paving the way to the front door.

Lou looked at me with a smile before turning off the car and stepping out. I got out as well and went to the trunk to start unloading our suitcases. Lou hadn't packed much, I wonder if she only planned to stay for a few days.

She grabbed my hand before I got the chance to take anything out of the car and guided me towards the house. "Let me give you a tour" She said with a grin on her face as she led me inside.

Through the door, an old chandelier hung above our heads and a staircase was on the left. It wasn't a large house or a small one. It was just big enough to be comfortable and live adequately. A hallway went around on the right to show off a dining table and then a kitchen behind it. Beside it was a living room with old art pieces hanging off the wall and a fireplace in the center. The living room was the first thing I noticed when I walked in if Lou hadn't moved me into the dining room first. The furniture was dark and the walls were a faded shade of white.

It was nothing like the home in which Lou lived in and that I had been in. This was more crowded and more decorated. It was also a bit old fashioned which would clash with the modern feel of her home. I liked it though, it was very beautiful and I could see myself living in a place similar to this if I had the money.

She took me upstairs where three bedrooms lined one hallway and a bathroom at the end. The master bedroom was big and spacious with the master bathroom connected to it. Then, there were the two guest rooms. Did Lou have guests here often?

I marveled at the details in everything, the walls, doors, and accent pieces of furniture. It was all so breathtaking.

"Well?" She was staring at me as I wandered around the home. Brushing my fingers against each object I came close to.

"I love it" I was smiling now and I was truly happy.

"I'm glad" She came up to me and hugged me tight. Only shortly though because we still had everything to unpack and get settled in.

We grabbed our luggage and the other miscellaneous things we each had brought with us. We didn't take anything out of the suitcases, we just needed them to not be in the car. I wandered around the house some more, picking up more details now.

I saw that the rug was misshapen from the flow of traffic. It might just be because it was an old rug, or that Lou came here often, or she had many people over when she did come. I also noticed that Lou had some clothes already hanging up in the master closet which meant that this was her place. The whole house was very clean and there was little to no dust even on dressers in the guest rooms. Did she clean it herself or hire someone? I couldn't imagine Lou scrubbing the floors or cleaning the windows even if she was a clean person. The thought of Lou vacuuming the rugs made me grin a bit as I continued to roam with no intent to find anything unusual, and I never did.

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