Ch. 17: Last Time

24 5 0

October 8, 2018

My eyes open instantly the moment I wake up, and I suddenly find myself in a completely new environment.

I sit up and look around. It's a much more modern house than the house belonging to Haeran and Hayoung at Busan. My eyes eventually land on a mirror in the room, and I get the confirmation I needed.

I've gone back in time again. I've entered Eunwoo's body again. And this place... this must be his old home.

I look around the room from the ceiling to the floor to everything around without moving from my position. There aren't much things in this room, though. But then again, I'm supposed to be in Busan already by tomorrow. Are all of Eunwoo's things already packed?

Suddenly, I hear a "ding" sound coming from somewhere beside the bed, and I turn to the source to see a phone on the bare drawer beside the bed. I pick it up only to see a password.

Great. How am I supposed to-

Suddenly, as if the original owner had just taken over, Eunwoo's fingers start entering the password and his phone unlocks. I'm left frozen with my eyes wide for a few seconds, but I eventually wake up from my trance and I check whatever the notification was about. It's a text message, and it's from Y/N.

Hey! I'm on my way to the fountain you were talking about. Hurry up! I have something to tell you, too!

I'm a bit surprised to sense enthusiasm in Y/N's text. She seems... different. Happier even. Just how much did she get ruined after Eunwoo broke up with her?

I stay looking at her message a little longer, then when I realize that I'm about to meet Y/N as Eunwoo for the first time, I wake up from my trance once again before I grab a coat and rush out of the house, heading straight towards the closest park I could find. I'm hoping that's the one she was talking about in her message.

My heart is pounding as I run, and I'm sure it's not because I'm about to have another attack or that I'm running short of breath. This may be the last moment I see Y/N again. I have to see her. I have to see her smiling one last time before I don't see her again.

Soon, I reach the park and I finally get a view of the fountain when I see... her.

"Y/N..." I breathe out a sigh as I look at her. She looks so... beautiful...

Her smile is so bright and real, and I suddenly feel ashamed seeing it for the first time only now.

Y/N... you deserve... this... You deserve to smile like this...

A smile forms on my face as I watch her from a distance, her smile unfading as she looks around, probably waiting for Eunwoo to appear. Suddenly, my eyes start filling up with tears.

I can't believe this...

Once again, I feel my heart breaking at the thought of not seeing her again. I don't want to be selfish but... but...

She looks so happy... and I don't want to take that away from her...

Y/N... you deserve to be happy.

I continue watching her for a few seconds before I wipe away my tears and finally step into the clearing, right where she can see me. She eventually sees me, and her smile becomes even brighter as she waves her arm at me.

And I'm trying with every piece of me not to break down infront of her.

I smile back at her, then I walk up as calmly as I can towards her. Soon, in a matter of seconds, I'm standing infrint of her and she's looking up at me, that bright smile still on her face.

Time May Pass (Astro MJ X Reader X Eunwoo) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now