10 - The Motherfucking Spa

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"Good choice," Draco said while massaging his face with the foaming wash. "I'll write to Father tomorrow. I'll tell him to have the house elf prepare your bed next to mine before summer."

"Thanks. What's this?" Harry asked, holding a circular glass case in his hand.

"Oh, that's magical toothpaste. I've tried the muggle ones a couple times when I went on vacations before, and they were the most useless things I've ever tried. Try mine," Draco said as he rinsed the cleanser off his face, wiped it dry with a soft cloth he'd brought, and went on to slather a thick layer of green creamy face mask all over his face using a little golden spatula.

"Alright, I'll go get my stuff first," Harry said and left the bathroom. He began rummaging in his trunk for his clothes and toothbrush as the boys around him snored like wild boars, then went back into the bathroom, where Draco was spraying something purple all over his hair, his face no longer covered in the creamy green mask.

"What's that?" Harry asked, shutting the door behind him and dipping his toothbrush into the blob of Draco's black magical toothpaste.

"Keeps my hair blond," Draco replied, now combing his wet hair backwards. "Not that I need it or anything, since my hair's naturally white-blond, but I do it anyway just in case."

Harry snorted as Draco began sticking two golden jelly patches underneath his eyes. "It's like you're in a salon," he remarked before brushing his teeth with the black goo.

"Bitch, I'm the motherfucking spa," Draco replied, now spritzing his face with a white bottle that puffed out fine clear mist, the scent of fresh green apples wafting into Harry's nostrils, mixing in with the minty scent coming from his teeth.

Harry spat the toothpaste out and noticed that he didn't even need to gurgle. It had magically disappeared from his mouth, and when he smiled in front of the mirror to check, his teeth were white and sparkling.

"See?" Draco said, dipping his own toothbrush into the magical toothpaste. "You'll never wanna use muggle toothpaste again." He began brushing his own teeth, making them even sparklier than they already were.

"You'd better tell me where I can buy this," Harry remarked in awe, still smiling at the mirror and turning his head from side to side, watching as little sparkles flashed here and there as if he were a cartoon character.

"It refills by itself. Just scoop some onto a separate container and it'll fill the glass up," Draco replied after spitting his toothpaste out.

Harry went back to the dorm and grabbed an empty glass jar he'd stashed inside his trunk in case he wanted to smuggle any sweets to class, then went back into the bathroom and noticed that Draco's toothpaste case had indeed refilled itself, looking untouched and brand new.

He tilted the case and allowed half of the goo to slide into his large glass jar and watched as both globs began to grow, the one in Draco's stopping once the little case was full while Harry's continued to grow until the entire jar was filled with more toothpaste than there was in the first place.

"Bloody hell," Harry exclaimed softly. "This is sick."

"Cool, huh? And the muggles continue to use that useless toothpaste of theirs," said Draco, removing the jelly patches under his eyes and tossing them in the trash. He began to rub a pinkish cream all over his face.

"I've been living a lie all these years," Harry mumbled and began washing his face with a bar of soap, not really the type who'd dump an entire tank of skincare products all over his face. Growing up in a cupboard under the stairs gave him no room to store even a single cleanser bottle.

"What the fuck?" Draco exclaimed, staring at Harry in horror. "You're using hand soap for your face?"

"Works for me," Harry murmured into his hands as he rinsed the bubbly lather off.

"You're a weird one, Potter," Draco said as he began rolling a green stone against his cheek.

Harry cocked an eyebrow at Draco, laughing as he watched Draco conclude his skincare regimen. "Yeah? And you're the motherfucking spa."

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