♆ I Have a Tail ♆

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I walk into the café and hear singing. My parents said they would take care of moving while I look around. They said people my age would be at the café, make new friends. Make friends, I didn't have any. I stand at the door. The song stops as a boy quickly gets up. He runs out the door and bangs my shoulder.

"Watch where your going!" I scream at him as he watch the ocean.

What the heck is going on here? I walk towards him.

"Um sorry I yelled at you," I apologize.

I feel the presence of people behind. My head turns to find the girl who was singing, a blonde headed boy and a brunette girl.

"Zac?" The blonde girl asks.

I step away and look at the brunette girl.

She stares at me, "Who are you?"

"A girl who got hit in the shoulder by your boyfriend," I roll my eyes.

The blonde boy goes, "We don't have time for introductions."

"I need to get to Mako," Zac says,

I wonder what he is talking about. I don't to ask because he is under some kind of spell.

"Said you had it under control," his girlfriend steps forward.

"What under control?" I wonder in my brain.

The singer goes, "Come back with us."

"Come on it is too dangerous," the other boy says.

I think they all forget that I'm there.

"This has nothing to do with you," Zac screams at the boy.

The other boy commends, "I know we had our differences but you need to come back inside.."

Zac yells, "Don't tell me what I need!"

You are such a great friend, Zach.

"Take it eas-" before I know it, the blonde boy is thrown back by the wind.

It looked like the boy did it. Are they wizards from Hogwarts or something.

But everyone including me turns around to find two girls holding their hands out.

"Zac!" His girlfriend screams as he runs into the pier.

The blonde girl has a staring contest with other two girls as the other guy stands up.

Zac flies into the ocean. I run to the pier and kneel down.

"Is he drowning?" I splash the water.

I hear mumbling from the blonde girl as the two girls run and dive into the water. I stand up.

The last of the group talks for a moment before I see the girlfriend and the friend of Zac run down the pier.

"I'm coming with you," I look at them.

The blonde boy laughs, "We don't even know you."

"Well I know that something is going on," I jump into the boat with them.

The girl goes, "We don't have time to argue."

She motors the boat and we ride into the darkness, but follow the light of the full moon. We eventually arrive on the water, close to the island. I guess this is Mako.

"What going on?" The blonde asks.

"I like to ask you the same question, "I roll my eyes.

The girl turns to the boy, "Where is the entrance to their pool that Zac talked about?"

"Under a pile of rocks, three meters down," he explains as she gets ready to dive.

I stand up, "I'm coming with you, to help your boyfriend."

All the girl does is nod and smile as we dive into the water. The splash of us two diving mixes in with the screams of that boy. We both look for the cave. But I can't get over how beautiful the water is. We start to swim around, awaiting a hole in rocks. My lungs are filling up with water. Oxygen is weak down here. The girl looks around very worried as I spot a hole in the rocks like that boy said. I tap her on the shoulder and point. She nods, gratefully and swims in. I follow her. Her and I go up for air. We are surround by a green forcefield. The boy looks at me then stares at his girlfriend.

"Evie," he breathes.

She smiles, "Zac."

Suddenly, the force field explodes and knocks Evie out.

"Evie," he worries, "Evie!"

He quickly looks at me, "What have you done?"

I look behind me to find those two girls again. Before I know it, they are gone. Swam away filled with guilt.

"Evie!" he yelps over and over again.

I look overhead, the moon passes by and Evie wakes up.

"Zac," she hugs him.

After their hug, he looks at me, "Who are you?"

"She helped me find you," she says.

I look down at his lower half. A tail connected to him. Not wizards, mermaids.

All I could do, was stare at him in awe.

I wake up next morning in the urge to get into the water. I put on my bathing suit and jump into the water at my mini pier. The water cools me down. It soothes me and I swim up. My head pops out of the water.

"Great morning," I breathe.

Then something odds happens. Water starts to bubble and surrounds around my whole body. Once this finishes, I look down at my feet. They are gone, replaced by a golden, scaly tail.

Crap. I'm a mermaid

Under the Ocean Surface: a Mako Mermaids FanficWhere stories live. Discover now