Chapter 36

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...Sorry for the late update. I forgot today's Moday so...

Before you read this chapter I'd like to say,

✌🏻Sorry guys✌🏻

Chapter Start

3rd pov:

"Baji-kun?!!" Takemichi exclaimed in surprise.

"Baji beat down Kisaki!!" Someone from the crowd shouted, earning cheers from the rest of Valhalla.

"Kisaki!! I'm gonna rearrange your f*ckin' face!!" Baji said as he looks at Kisaki while grinning.

Amidst the loud cheers and shock faces of some people, Draken suddenly shouted from the crowd saying, "Stop it! Baji!!"

Hearing Draken's shout, Mitsuya continued by saying, "We came here to take you back!!" At this moment, y/n is slowly getting closer and closer to where Baji are while still fighting her way there. "Get loss! D*mn it!" She said to the Valhalla members blocking her.

Baji was suddenly yanked from behind his jacket by the third division vice-captain throwing him down, falling a few meters below. "Baji-kun!!" Takemichi shouted as he watch Baji fall.

"Hmph." The vice-captain let out in irritation. "... You alright, Kisaki-san?" he ask.

"Buzzing, buzzing... Like a d*mn fly circling around me." Kisaki said as he stands up and walk towards his vice-captain. Then he looks at Baji below him, glared and said, "Swat him dead."

Baji tried to stand back up as he challenged, "... Let's see you try. Kisaki!!"

'I know that this is part of your plan and all, Baji. But... if you die here, I'll bring you back to life and kill you again! D*mn it!! This is getting way too intense even for me.' y/n thought in frustration as she watch everything that's been going on up there while fighting.

Just as Baji stood up, Chifuyu block him with his arms spread open stopping Baji from going up there and fighting with Kisaki. "Chifuyu...?"

"The f*ck you doing?" Baji ask. Seeing Chifuyu not answering, he said, "Outta my way. Chifuyu!"

"Baji-san. Don't do this." Chifuyu said still not moving. "If you take down Kisaki now... you'll be going against Mikey-kun! If you want to save Toman from Kisaki, now's not the time." Chifuyu said before he was hit with a metal pipe on his cheek by Baji, instantly knocking him off balance and falling to the ground. *thud!*

"Stay outta this... Chifuyu!" Baji said climbing up. "I kept you beside me... so I could use you in fights. I don't give a sh*t about what you think."

"I'm the First Division Vice-Captain!! I'm here to protect you, Baji-san!!" Chifuyu shouted while standing up. Then he faced Baji and said, "If you really wanna get past me... Then I won't hold back!!"

"Do it." Baji said as he challenge Chifuyu. His response made Chifuyu angry as he continued, "You got ten seconds." Chifuyu let out a "Huh?!" as Baji started counting down.

Just as Baji reached to zero, Takemichi suddenly tackled Baji out of nowhere. "Takemitchy?!" Chifuyu exclaim in surprise.

"Chifuyu!!" Takemichi shouted while holding Baji on his waist with a tight grip. "Let's stop Baji-kun together!!" He continued as Baji clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Chifuyu!!" Takemichi, again, called.

Chifuyu watch them when he said, "I can't, Takemitchy."

"What?!" Takemichi ask.

"I... I can't hit Baji-san." Chifuyu said with a hint of hopelessness as tears trailed down his face from his uncovered eye.

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