50 | white lines

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"I can't believe we're doing this

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"I can't believe we're doing this."

"It was your idea."

"Which is exactly why we shouldn't do it."

The argument between Casen and I refers to us on the school's football field as he holds a bag of cones and two belts for flag football. The sun sank below the horizon hours ago, leaving us with stadium lights and a couple of janitors who stuck around to watch us.

It was my idea that he teaches me the basics of football. It might be a couple months too late but all the other times, he had games and the field was never free.

He just happens to have connections with the gatekeeper and snuck us inside, but we all know he paid him off.

"Alright," He drops the bag in the middle of the field and sends me a look, "What do you actually know about football?"

I prop my hands up on my hips, "Define know."

He chuckles and rolls his eyes, "We could've done this teaching thing with a TV and some cuddle time."

"Aht," I hold a finger up, "Cuddle time is never just cuddle time, sir."

He nudges me with a smirk, "That's 'cause you can't keep your hands to yourself, horny ass motherfucker."

My jaw drops, "Says the one who literally suggested we fuck before we got out the car."

He shrugs, "You actually agreed so really, whose fault is that?"

I flip him off with a smile, and I can still remember the orgasm that wracked through me just moments ago. It's a surprise I'm still standing.

"Alright, peach," He starts, hunching over to rest his hands on his knees, "See these white lines?"

I scan the field and nod, "Yeah, these are... yard lines, right? Gotta run past them to gain yards."

His brows shoot up in surprise, "Shiiiii, my girl knows some shit."

"Mhmm," I nod, "Better enjoy it 'cause that's all I know."

He tilts his head and winks, "Doubt it."

Two hours is how long we spent on the field, going over basic field and football stuff before we played a couple of games of flag football.

Yes, we all know who won the first four times — but hey, tripping him that fifth time really helped me out.

And now, I'm absolutely, completely spent, splayed out on the soft grass as my eyes assess the expanse of the starry night sky. My chest heaves as I try to catch my breath.

My throat feels dry but I don't feel like drinking any water — I'll just get over it.

Case is seated beside me, not even fazed as if we didn't just run across this whole ass field three times over.

Got me fucked up.

The brightest star twinkles above me and I'm gravitated to Case's hand beside me. Just moments pass before he's laying flat on his back and I'm on top of him, both of us staring up in intrigue.

"My grandmother used to tell me that stars are really lost souls trying to find their way to heaven." I say, recalling the time she sat me down on the front porch of her house to do my braids and her telling me to count the stars in the sky and report to her how many souls were lost.

Case rubs my belly with his palm, "Why do you think they were lost?"

I shrug and poke out my bottom lip, "Maybe they were lost when they were alive, I don't know. I never really questioned it." I pause, because while I've never questioned it, I've thought about it and especially when I was that young age, fresh out of my egg donor's house with how tainted I thought I was... "I used to think I'd be one of them — way back when. Because of what I was coming from. I thought I was lost, and for some time, I was. But she found me, and changed the way I saw life."

I focus on the brightest star and rest my hand on Case's, "I'd like to think that's her watching over me. And since I practically introduced you two, Grandma Lina will watch over you too."

He chuckles under me, "It's nice to meet you, Mrs. Lina."

I giggle and roll my eyes in amusement. Silence falls over us and I just enjoy my time with the man who holds me with everything in him.

As I savor in his touch, a thought comes to mind. A thought I've been thinking for quite some time.

"Do you think we could make it work? Long distance?"

He exhales heavily, "I think we can make anything work. We're cowboy and peach, baby."

I snicker, "Yeah, 'cause nothing goes together better than those two things."

"You are correct, shawty." His words make me burst out in laughter.

I wave him off, "Too much Tiktok for you. I'm taking your phone at nights because if I hear that Dick song one more time, I might have to just sleep outside."

He gasps dramatically, "You wouldn't dare."

how the hell are we at chapter 50??? there's only a couple chapters left

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how the hell are we at chapter 50??? there's only a couple chapters left

and yes, i do have an english project due tomorrow that im not even halfway through

and the way my knee been bleeding since yesterday because what happened to ana at the trampoline place actually happened to me lmfaoaoa

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