Chapter XV: What's funny?!

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Thanks KrystalS2456 for the votes. And I appreciate everyone who are giving a chance to this story.

"A fling, that's only you can be." I rolled my eyes, hearing that sickening voice when echoed in the washroom.

Seriously?! Were these people following me?! Gaad, give me a break ladies.

Aj had plans with her skater friends and dragged me along. She can't trust me to be alone. Her friends' faces were worth___ after seeing me. Even so they didn't complain. Whether it is disgust or jealousy. But after the incident everyone's view of me has changed. I can't change their perspective. So, I dodged it like I have been doing since forever.

Also I thought that it would be good for a change of mood. Away from that intoxicating environment, away from those blunt people. Albeit Aj's friends were not also very welcoming. But like I said I don't care.

We went to Corbett waterfall, which was a sight to witness, leaving me mesmerized. Rich greenery encompasses the falls and creates quite a peaceful environment. The next day we went for the jungle safari. No doubt I had the best time in my life there. I had more fun than I thought. Aj's skater friends weren't that horrible, well___ some of them.

Not once did I think of the mayhem going on in my life. That didn't last long though. Looking at this hag in front.

On our way back we stopped at this fancy restaurant not far from campus. I enjoyed the delicious food too. But never thought it would cost me this.

Washing my hands, I dried it using tissues. "I don't remember asking for your advice. Do I?!"

Shesha shrugged, fixing her already fixed hairs "I thought you would need it."

She picked out her mini makeup kit and started applying it. I blinked, watching her. You would need it?! Huh! Like her makeup, overconfidence was oozing from her.

I clenched my fists, but stayed calm. I can't show how her words got to me. I placed my arms crossed over my chest. "Didn't your mommy teach you not to stick your nose into someone else's business?!" I asked, spelling the word 'mommy' like we spell for kids.

Shesha raised her brow, turning to me. Ignoring my question, she retorted back, "Didn't your mommy teach you not to poke your nose into rich people's businesses?!"

Haa! She too spelled mommy like I did. Copycat! No, she can't be a cat. Cause her name is Shesha. Copysnake. That's what she was. A snake.

Clearing my throat, I answered, "No."

She opened her mouth but paused in perplexity. Folds appear near her eyes as closes then opens her mouth a few times. Wow, this snake in human form can act dumb. "What do you mean?!"

I sigh dramatically and begin, "That my mother didn't teach me to stay away from rich men. You know what she told me. Attract rich men, trap them___" I did this gesture with my hands, to add the effect. I controlled my laugh looking at bewildered Shesha. I bet she wasn't expecting that. Also, I have no idea where this boldness was coming from. This human snake no doubt can bite me and leave her marks. Though I didn't stop there I continued, nonchalantly, "she also told me that sometimes we have to marry riches, you know, to become super rich."

I winked at her, before leaving her dumbfounded.


Next day, during our break I told Aj about the incident with Shesha in the restaurant's washroom. We laughed all day remembering that.

"God, boo, you're really something. I mean, oh___ god, I can't believe you said all that." She has tears in her eyes now. Then she mimicked with this serious tone what I told her I said to Shesha. And we burst out again. Childish, I know. But don't expect more from us.

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