Car Journeyy

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Lola's POV
It was holiday time! I put on my black leggings and a white crop top with a black hoodie. I put on my black vans. I put on my makeup- mascara and light pink lipstick.
I brushed out my hair and tie it in a high ponytail.
*skip to car*
I'm sitting in the back, on the right side of the car with Amelia beside me.
We play games of eye spy and so many more.
"I need a pee," Amelia says.
"Yeah same, stop at the next service station." I say.
We get off at the next service station and go to the toilet.
I go for a pee and wash my hands, with Amelia when we hear people having sex in the toilet.
"Let's get out of here," Amelia says as we run out the toilet.
I buy a lot of sweets with Daniel and tell him the story.
"Straight, gay or lesbian?" He asks me laughing while picking up Oreos and adding them to the bag.
"Well if it was in the ladies toilets" I say laughing.
We add a lot more things to the sweets bag and head back to the car to see everyone else eating stuff.
"What took you so long?" Jai asked hugging me.
"I was telling skip a story and we bought a big thing of sweets," I say.
I'm listening to music on my iPod when everyone starts laughing.
"What is it?" I ask taking my headphones off.
"We heard the story," Luke says.
"Ooh I just silently farted" Daniel says.
We just laugh but then the smell kicks in.
"OMG that's disgusting," Chelsey says holding her noise.
"Think how I feel I'm right beside him," Lucy says putting down her window.

I put my head on Jai's shoulder and fall asleep.
"We're here!" Beau yells.
i sit up looking at the cabin in the middle of nowhere.
"Did you have a good sleep babe?" Jai asks me.
I just nod my head and kiss his cheek.
I take the instructions from the cabin owner and look at where the key is.
It is under the plant pot and there is more keys inside.
"You go open it as it was your idea," Jai says.
"Okay," I say as I hop out the car.
I run to the door with hamlet close behind me.
I find the key and open the door running up to the bedroom that me and Jai chose and put my jumper on the bed.
I walk downstairs and see everyone else standing there.
"Looks good!" I say.
we bring in our clothes,food and everything we need and decide to put the wifi on.
I take a selfie with everyone using Lucy's selfie stick.
I post it on Instagram captioning the picture- Best Friends💥 and tag them all.
I go into the kitchen to get a banana when I get hugged by Jai.
"You choose the best places for holidays," he says kissing me on the lips.
"Thanks, now come on let's get this party started," I say getting some champagne from the cabinet.

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