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Dear Harmony,

Remember that old ice cream shop on the boardwalk that you loved as a kid? Remember how, when we were older, we'd walk up to the window and order a double scoop of pistachio ice cream in one of those massive waffle cones? Remember how we'd sit on the pier and share the delicious treat, staring off at the lighthouse and wondering what it would be like to live there? Those were the good old days. We made so many grand plans. Pity they will never come to fruition now.

I bring this up because just last week, I passed the little shop on my way home from the library. It's autumn now, so it's all boarded up. But I remembered our times together, and it made me feel sort of achy and yet warm on the inside. Why is that, Harmony? Why can't you just come home and make everything feel normal again?

   Will you ever be back? You can't just ditch our plans like that, you know. I was planning to ask you to marry me on that pier.

   Yes, I was planning to marry you.

Dear HarmonyWhere stories live. Discover now