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Eva's POV:
I opened roof door. Anna stood and looking on whole city. While raining.

"What the hell Anna what you doing here?" I asked her and angry closed door.

She ignoring me

"Anna!" I yelled at her. She still ignored me. She little bit moved her head at me and few seconds later she moved her head back.

She teasing me? She really teasing me now? I hate her so much! Is she normal? She standing here while rain.

"Answer me, damn it!" I yelled again and come closer to her. I took her by her shoulder and turned her to me. She looked straight in to my eyes. Tears came to my. She looked totally drained and she had puffy eyes.

"A-Anna" I said and my voice cracked. I took her by her wrist and pull her into hug. My arms wrapped her back. She lean her head on my shoulder and just stood here.

What I'm doing now? Did I really drained her so much? I know I can kill her now in 40 seconds and no one will be in my way again, but.. I like her.. so much- Eva! She's your enemy you should kill her! But-

"Eva?" Anna said and interrupted my thoughts.

"Yes?" I asked her little bit scary.

"I ask you for last time..." my god don't ask me on this again. I said to myself. "Are you Kira?" she continued.

Silence.. Awkward silence.

I pulled myself from her hug. "Anna.." I took deep breath. "Haha, this will be interesting" Ryuk said behind my back. "I'm. not. Kira." I said while I looked into her blue eyes.

Anna looked at me for while in tears in her eyes. After one tear rolled down on her cheek she took her gun from her pocket and pointed her gun at me. WHAT? SHE HAS GUN?! WHY SHE HAS GUN!

"YOU ARE KIRA I KNOW IT!" she screamed at me and I stood freezed and looking on gun. "A-Anna, p-put the g-gun dow-wn" I said slowly and took step away from her. "YOU ARE KIRA! SAY IT" shes still holding her gun pointed at me. "Ryuk.. hepl me" I whispered. "Say now and I'll write her name to death note and she die in 40 seconds" Ryuk said and open his death note.

FUCK WHAT NOW I CAN'T KILL ANNA. Eva chill out Anna can't kill you. She like you.. No I can't let Ryuk kill Anna.. I-I got it! This will be my death..

I started slowly walk to Anna. "Anna- put that gun down" I said to her slowly. "N-No" she said while she crying.

Now I was few inches from her face. She pointed gun to my head.

FUCK, FUCK, FUCK this is so scary. If she pull the triggered I'll die. I don't know time of my death. I can die now.. Fuck

I put my hands on Anna's shoulders. "Put the gun down" I whispered. Anna was like freezed. I took her by her wrist and took gun from her hand and trew it on floor. Anna let me took her wrist and lay it down. My right hand went up to her neck and my left hand I took her by her hip. I pull her closer to my face. As soon as we touching our noses I felt her breaths getting faster. I whispered to her lips.

"Anna honey, you know who is top here.." I said to her and give her smirk. Before she can say something I pull her into kiss.

"Wow, I don't think about this. Enemies to lovers? People is so interesting" Ryuk said while he laughing.

RYUK! This is so rude from you watching us. Don't dare you after I'll be alone.

Anna's lips is so soft, I know I kissed her in past when I teasing her but now.. it's different. Am I simp? No- I can't be.

I pull myself from kiss. Anna watch me with confused face. She staring at me for while.

God I hope she'll kiss me back.
I said to myself.

In few seconds later she came to me, took me with both of her hands by my neck and pull me into kiss again. Both of my hands wrapped her hips and I pull her even closer. In that rain it was romantic. After minute we kissing she start kissing my jawline and went down to my neck. I tried to not making any sounds but I couldn't. I moan quietly. "Anna.." I said slowly. I felt Anna's smile while she kissed my neck. "Who is top now?" she said quietly, but I hear it. "Me ofc" I said again. Anna's hands traveled from my neck to back to my ass. I felt Anna making hickeys on my neck while she holded my ass and that make me to moan again. "Who?" Anna asked me again. "Y-You.."

Hold on, hold on, hold on.
Maybe I have to introduse self. And how I came to this situation.

So this is my story..

Hello there

I know y'all are horny bitches, dw me too😩

Hope u enjoy this chapter. See u in next chapter.

Anna, I'm kiraWhere stories live. Discover now