Chapter 30

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Third person pov

" Phew "

Athanasia said as she sighed in relief after walking away from the guest room with Athanese. They went inside the living room and sat down

" Athy ? "

Athanese asked as he looked at her

" Hmm , you better maintain your distance with those two "

Athanasia said as she gently grabbed his shoulder and looked at him .

" But they are my friends . Is something wrong Athy ? "

Athanese asked feeling concerned at her sudden change in behavior

" No nothing's wrong but !! Just stay away from those two !! "

Athanasia demanded as she took a deep breath and huffed

" Heh ? Why did you leave ? "

Lucas asked as he bravely hid his fear and sat beside Athanese

" Lucas "

Athanese said as he turned his attention to him. Athanasia quickly pulled Athanese into a back hug and glared at Lucas .

' Why did you come ? '

Athanasia thought as she kept on glaring at him

" Ah , athy . Is something wrong ? "

Athanese asked as he pulled away from the hug and looked at her

" Ah. Nothing's wrong "

Athanasia replied with a sweet smile while acting like she didn't just threatened Lucas

" Right , right "

Lucas said as he leaned back on the couch casually

' Athanasia seems a little off today . I hope she's alright . '

Athanese thought as he worriedly glanced at Athanasia

" Lucas , come sit in the middle "

Athanese said as he stood up

" Eh , fine but why ? "

Lucas asked as he scooped over to the place Athanese was sitting on

" Now Athy , you can braid his hair . It might help you to calm down "

Athanese said as he looked at Athanasia with a smile on his face

' God damnit . I am not a stress ball , idiot '

Lucas thought annoyed but it quickly flew away when Athanese patted his head fondly

" Sorry for that Lucas "

Athanese whispered in a small voice only Lucas could hear in . Lucas's cheek quickly lightened up and slowly nodded his head

" Then thank you Lucas "

Athanese replied with a yet another adorable smile

' What are these two taking about ?! I can't hear it !!!! '

Athanasia thought feeling annoyed so she grabbed a small lock from Lucas's hair and started braiding it while occasionally using some flowers for decorations

" is this calming "

Lucas asked to the twins as both of them nodded their head in sync

" A little "

Athanasia said as she kept on braiding and decorating his hair

" Your hair is really nice , Lucas "

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