Micro tale - V

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So many times, I've wanted to scream on guys:


Who raised you to talk about women like we're objects existing to please you?

"Did you see that ass?"

"Yeah, I'd tap that"

Who raised you to lead us on and drop off the face of the earth and then follow us on Instagram three months later..... really?!

Dm from him

"Yo! how you been"

Who raised you to toss around sexiest humor to get some laughs at a party?

"Lighten up, woman, its called a JOKE!!"

Who raised you to treat uber drivers like your servants?

"Dude, hurry the fuck up... I've got places to be"

Who raised you to make plans at literally the last minute?

"Sup girl wanna grab a little bite rite now"

Who raised you to get black out drunk with the boys and hit on an entire bachelorette party?

"Babe, I swear nothing happened. Why don't you trust me"

"It's like you want a reason to break up..."

Who raised you to equate success with salaries and status symbols?

"It's bullshit, my bonus should've been twice as much, I need to buy a Rolex"

Who raised you to be so damn scared of commitment?

"Why're you putting all this pressure to define the relationship?"

"It's only been like six months"

Who raised you to be one of those emotionally stunted men who's still a boy and always will be

Please tell me


Yeah, I've had those thoughts a million times but now with you I want to ask the same question but with a different inflection -awe, not accusation: who raised you?

Who raised you to ask for women's opinions and actually listen?

"What are your thoughts on whether I should take the new job?"

Who raised you to communicate so openly and not play games?

"I had a great time tonight, when can I see you again?"

Who raised you to be a feminist even if it loses you bro points?

"shut up, dude, those sexist jokes aren't funny"

Who raised you to talk to uber drivers as your friends?

"Dont worry about the traffic, man, were not in rush"

"So how long have you lived in this city?"

Who raised you not to need alcohol to have a good time?

"thanks, but I'm sticking to water tonight, gotta drive my girl home, not taking any chances"

Who raised you to value barefoot picnics over black-tie dinners?

"This is all I've ever need- you next to me, plus guacamole"

Who raised you to want to settle down and talk about the future without flinching?

"I know it's kind of early but I want you in my life for a long, long time"

Who raised you to be those good-to-the-core men girls like me search the world for?

Please tell me

Who raised you

So I can tell them


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