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"Y/N where did you put my socks again?" Pansy ask as she search her entire closet. We were about to watch the boys play Quidditch.

"I don't remember. Just try to find it there." I said while reading the book that Draco gave me last Christmas.

"Found it!" Pansy said. She put it and paved our way to the field.

I found Draco on the side of the field, putting all his protective gear. He look over my way, he wave as he continue to put his gear.

"I never saw you play Quidditch. Are you sure your a great player just like what you've said the last time?" I asked teasingly. He rolled his eyes as he sat on the bench.

"Are you under estimating me Y/N?"

"Not really." I said as I give him a wink.

"MALFOY COME ON!" Flint shout from afar. I think they were about to begin.

"Good luck. Try your best not to fall out from your broomstick." I said. He snap my forehead and run away to Flint.

The game started. Draco is the seeker of the opponent team. I must say his good, like really good.. at balancing his Broom /sarcastic/

"Idiot." The only word that came out fromy mouth when I saw him fall from his Broom while chasing the Snitch.

"Draco is a good player, isn't it Y/N?" Pansy ask. I give her a disgusting look.

"Really? Too bad I haven't notice." I said. I heard her groan on my side, I smirk as I continue to watch. A few more minutes,the game ended. Draco's team won of course.

Draco run towards us, behind him were Blaise, Goyle, Marcus Flint, and Crabbe.

"Are you impressed by my greatness Y/N?" He ask. I raised my right eyebrows on him.

"Me? Impressed? You wish Draco. I'm way better than you." I said.

"Too bad Slytherin only accepts boys as there players." Flint said. I give him a death stare.

"Yeah, sucks right? That's why you guy's always lose. You haven't win for centuries." I said as I walk back to our common room.

Time passed by and it's already midnight. I'm still laying on my bed when I decided to get up and meet the Golden trio.

I sneak out of the girls Dormitory quietly, all of them we're asleep already which given me a proper chance to leave.

I feel a relief when I found myself standing on the common room. I was about to open the door when someone tapped my shoulder.

"Draco!" I hissed. My heart started to tremble.

"Where are you going?" I snap back to my senses when I heard his question.

"Are you trying to sneak out?" He ask as he analyze me. His trying to figure out what I'm doing.

"No?" I answered, rather ask.

Stupid Y/N.

"Alright? I'll go back to bed, you should too." He said then he walk back to his Dorm. I let a loud sigh. Thinking about the fact that I almost get caught.

As I open the door, I look each side and corners of the castle. If ever Filch saw me, I'm doomed and our mission to stop Snape will be postponed.

I run as fast as I could to our meeting place. Once I arrive, no one's there yet. I pouted. I think they left without me. I was about to go back when Harry, Ron, and Hermione Showed up.

I haven't given a chance to talk when Hermione immediately pulled me and cover something.

"What's this?" I ask.

THE YEARS BETWEEN US[DRACO × READER] (ON HOLD)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora