~Chapter Forty Six~

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~ June 17 ~

"God, I hate minecraft." I muttered, reopening minecraft.

"Why?" Tubbo asked. "Well, losing bedwars 23 times in a row kind of sucks." I replied.

Tubbo sighed. "I don't know why we're so bad! We play this game for a living." He said. "Yeah, usually I can win. But apparently the second we log onto Hypixel, so do all of the sweats. This sucks." I said.

"One more game?" Tubbo asked. "Fine." I replied. Neither of us were live, or recording, but we were bored, and wanted something to do. And neither of us could win at bedwars.

I joined Tubbo's party, and we logged onto a doubles game. "Okay, let's see if we can actually win." I sighed. "Well, if we don't, we can have a world record for losing!" Tubbo replied. I laughed. "Speedrun losing, see how fast we can instantly die?" I asked. "Sure!" Tubbo said.

We did our usual strategy of Tubbo covering the bed while I speed-bridged to the next base. I took them out, and then got killed by the next team. I looked in chat.

<genericminecraftnameyourauthorisn'tcreative> wow!
<genericminecraftnameyourauthorisn'tcreative> im 7 and i beet u at bedwards!

"I hate my entire existence." I said. "Do you want to help me drop kick some children?" Tubbo asked. "Of course. Anytime." I replied.

We killed the seven year old, and then lost the game to the blue team. "Well, this fucking sucks." I said. "One more?" Tubbo asked, sounding exhausted. "We are trying to play until we win, but it's not working. we aren't winning."  I said.

We quit minecraft. Tubbo followed me into the living room. "What time is it?" I asked. Tubbo looked outside. "Night." He replied. "Thanks, couldn't have figured that out on my own." I replied.

I hummed Count On Me while grabbing a snack, and then I pulled Tubbo outside. "What are we doing boss man?" He asked. "I'm not Tommy." I said, fake offended. "Sorry. Used to Tommy doing stuff like this." He replied. "You can still call me boss man, because I am swag." I replied. Tubbo rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He said. I laughed. "Come along, bitch boy." I said.

We walked along the California streets in the dark. "I wish I could see the stars." I muttered, looking up. "Yeah, it sucks." Tubbo replied.

It started raining, so the two of us ran through the rain. It was just fun.

I saw a car pull up behind us, so I slowed down and pointed it out to Tubbo. "You think they're following us?" Tubbo asked. I shrugged. "Maybe? We should go." I replied. Tubbo nodded, and the two of us raced home.

We arrived at home, ate some cookies, and then I sat down on the couch. Tubbo sat next to me. "Next time, no running." He said. I laughed. "Agreed." I muttered. The two of us sat there together, and then fell asleep.

"WOMAN! WAKE UP!" Tommy yelled. "What?" I muttered, still tired. "We are going! Come on!" He said. I looked up at him, seeing him holding a camera. "Tommy, what the fuck." I asked.

"You've been asleep for hours. 17 hours, to be exact. It's almost 8." Ranboo said, coming up behind Tommy. "I came home at like, four this morning. I have not been asleep that long." I said. "8 at night. 8pm." Ranboo said, showing me his phone.

I sighed and rolled off the couch, and laid on the floor. "I'm not going anywhere." I said. Tommy and Ranboo exchanged glances. "Okay." They muttered, like I was going crazy. They left the room, leaving me alone on the floor. Was it really that easy?

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