Chapter 18

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"Can I have a black coffee, please, with no sugar?"

The lady nodded and disappeared from my sight. I checked my phone, and I received an email from Mark instructing me of my classes and the rules I had to follow. As if my life wasn't fucked up enough. Last night, I had to sit down in a conference call for my monthly report. Unsurprisingly, Mark informed me that my mom remarried. I mean, who was I to know about that? I haven't forgotten what Julian told me three days ago, and maybe it's the part of his plan to destroy me. Whatever it was, I decided to be careless about all these subjects for a while.

The lady gave me my coffee and my credit card back. A group of girls and boys passed and waved at me. I smiled at them. One of the girls was so beautiful; we couldn't break eye contact. Even with winter clothes on, you could see the curve of her goddess body. Her butt was immaculate. A scream pulled me out of my admiring trance. I ran to the main courtyard, where a crowd formed, and in the center, Shawn and Agea were in a screaming match.

Oh, this is going to be good. My short height didn't permit me to see, so I stood on a bench.

"You walk away from this relationship, and I promise you, I am going to make you regret it."

Here we go with his manipulation.

"Go fuck yourself, cheater! Go ahead and do whatever you want because we are over."

A distraught Agea ran away, followed by Thea and Kelly. I spotted Xavier next to the crowd, sitting on a table on his phone. I galloped to him and sat impatiently to hear the news.

"What the hell is happening?"

Xavier flinched and hit me.

"Girl, I was about to call you. Where were you?" He exhaled, holding his heart.

"Sorry, I had to pick up my coffee. What is going on?"

"I can't stand this school anymore, it's so early, and we already have a cheating scandal."

"Oh my God," I gasped. "Shawn?"

"Yes, it's chaos! Shawn told one of his friends he has been sleeping with a girl, and apparently, someone told Agea, and she is furious!" He blabbed in detail. "Worse, no one knows who's that girl!"

"Oh no..."

"Oh yes!"

"Oh no! That doesn't look good for me!" I breathed.

"Wait-ho-what?" Xavier blurted.

"Agea had been accusing me of wanting to be with Shawn. If they don't know who that girl is, she is going to point the finger at me for sure." I sipped my coffee.

"How the hell you always found yourself entangled in these people's mess?" He exclaimed.

"It's my specialty. Wait, where's Julian in all that?"

"Oh, he left this morning. I don't think he is coming back for another week or so from what I heard."

"Now that is bull shit."


Class ended, I was impatient to go home and sleep. Today wasn't peaceful. Every corner, people were chatting about the drama that is happening. It made me so uncomfortable and annoyed. It was like no one had anything more serious to do than rumoring. I didn't see Agea all day long, not even for lunch. Thea and Kelly were still hanging out with Shawn, who didn't look bothered by the situation. I felt terrible for Agea. Nobody deserved to get cheated on, especially by an egocentric and mentally ill person. It was inevitable since I warned her, and she didn't listen.

I was walking my way to my dorm when someone tapped my shoulder. I turned to face up a smiling Thea.

"Hey, how are you?"

Oh, hell no. She ghosted me, didn't text me back for three days, and I still hadn't bought a new phone. She was going to act like nothing didn't happen?

"What do you want?" I blustered.

"What do you mean what do I want? I thought we were past our arguments."

"Oh, oh wow! Did we Thea? Because last time we were supposed to do that you... let me think... Ghosted me!" I sassed.

"Okay, it got colder, and I figured out maybe we should have canceled it."

"So you just canceled without even telling me? I waited an hour in the cold for you!" I ranted.

"You making it a big deal." She rolled her eyes. "You're so dramatic, and this is why you pushed everyone away from your life." She raised her tone.

"Oh, now it's my fault? I- you know what? I'm tired of this. You wanted to choose; you chose who your friends were. We should stop talking from now on."

"So all this time, it was because I am friends with the other girls? You're jealous, and it's sad." She laughed.

"It's far worse than that. I can't put up with your shit anymore. And I realized you never cared about me. You are a narcissist. You only care about yourself. You used me to come to Trinity from the start." I raved.

"So what? A little self-love doesn't hurt anyone. What you're feeling isn't my problem. Either way, I am already here, and there's nothing you can do about it." She crossed her arms and smirked.

"Good luck with that. You're going to need it."

I walked away from her. I slammed the door and threw my bag on the floor. I screamed from the top of my lungs. I was tired of Thea, Mark, Julian, My mother, and Shawn's drama. I would trade all I have for a month drama-free. Every energy on my body focused more on my life crisis than studying to be the company's head. My goal has drifted away. I was losing it, and it hurt.

It's official Thea might be worse than Julian :D

How do you feel about Thea now? And if you were in Xemina's shoes, would you have given her a third chance?

What you think about Agea and Shawn breaking up?

Ps/ I couldn't find a more accurate picture than this one to express Xemina's mental state.

Please don't forget to vote <333

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