Reflections Parallel

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CW: Mature, sexual content. 

Song recommendations: "Okay" By: Chase Atlantic (towards the beginning of the chapter -i'll comment), "Your Power" By: Billie Eilish (for much later on in the chapter, i'll comment when) 

Cassandra stared into the reflection facing her in the Weasley Wizard Wheezes bathroom, trying to calm her fraying nerves.

The approaching chaos was evident, just barely hidden under the veil of her counterfeit pleased expression.

The last thing Cassandra felt was pleasant.

Her life was falling apart before her very eyes, the tapestry she had woven together had loose ends that her mother and Adrian always seemed to tug at.

The dazed hysteria was barely blanketed and she knew if she stared into the mirror a minute longer her eyes might glaze over, or pop out of her head. Whichever came first.

With one last glance she spoke to herself, "I know this isn't the rational way of handling this but I don't care. I'm going to ignore all my issues, they are not here for the day."

She nodded to her reflection, attempting to fool them both. Fuck.

A low hum accompanied with a sweetly sinful buzzing lit up her nerve endings, sending chemical euphoria haywire. She gripped the countertop while the buzzing in her panties teased her, it only lasting for a few seconds.

Cassandra fixed her posture, opening the door of the bathroom to emerge in the bright, loud shop. She quickly spotted George Weasley, fumbling with a small sleek remote, looking over the different buttons and levels.

He caught her eye, a wide grin plastered over his ivory complexion. He mouthed to her, "Did it work?"

Her nod made his eyes light up, an sly little cackle coming from him. She hadn't protested his idea to try something new, the look on his face as he pulled the box from behind his back last night was convincing enough.

She admired his drive for passion, adventure... she was just growing much adventure could he really handle?

How far would he be willing to go until this became too much, too dangerous, too challenging? And no she wasn't talking about their sex life, that was one thing she figured she wouldn't find a limit to any time soon.

But, how much time would they have left?

She walked over to the cash register, attempting to not draw any attention to herself as the buzzing came again, causing a little yelp to escape her which she tried to cover by clearing her throat.

She glanced up to the second level, a smirking Weasley staring back.

This back and forth continued on and off for an hour, George just giving her enough pleasure to get her excited, only to shut it down. She was getting really fucking frustated, the throbbing between her thighs growing painful.

Another buzz made Cassandra send George a cross look across the store, handing back the customers change all while trying to stay calm.

The line at the cash register had ended, giving Cassandra a brief moment to relax and readjust her underwear. Maybe there was a way to turn this damn thing off. Or maybe turn it up. No, turn it off.

She glanced back up to where George was, watching him smirk at her as he pressed the button again. Fred Weasley bounced up beside him and to Cassandra's horror, snatched the remote from his brother's hands. "The hell is this?" Fred asked.

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