Chapter 8

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Older brother is coming

I woke up,after the most peaceful sleep I had ever had,why was I so comfortable,I lifted my head up to see him sleeping,oh fuck,I fell asleep in his arms

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I woke up,after the most peaceful sleep I had ever had,why was I so comfortable,I lifted my head up to see him sleeping,oh fuck,I fell asleep in his arms.

Fuck,what am I doing.I felt him holding me tighter,bringing my head back into his chest "you're awake" I said,confusingly,he chuckled,his chest vibrate "I saw you were starting to wake up,so I decided to mess with you" I let out a little smile,it's reminds me of Freddie.

He cupped my cheek,"how did you sleep" honestly,amazing,comfortable,peaceful "good" I can't let him know,it has been the best sleep since I had got here,"come on,let's get you something to eat" he got up,holding my hand,dragging me with him.

We got to the kitchen "what do you want to eat" I thought about it for a sec "to be honest,not something special,maybe a sandwich" I said,nonchalantly,he nodded "pb&j?" I nodded.

He started to make the sandwich,ok one question,why does he look extremely hot right now,I kept staring "someone staring at my brother" the familiar voice whispered in my ear "shut up" he laughed,ok stop,this family is hot,without the no-nose man of course.

Mattheo had a messy sleep hair,and without a shirt,do they even have shirts,"here" Tom handed me the sandwich,ruffling my hair "you did not just do that" I hate this,it's gonna take me hours making my hair again "did what,this" he ruffled my hair again.

I gave him a stern look "you know how long it'll take me to make my hair again" I said angrily,I could hear Mattheo laughing from behind "oh come on,it's not that bad" is he fucking serious right now,I just rolled my eyes.

"Ok,so what's the plans for today" Mattheo asked "what do you mean plans" what the fuck do they want "I want to see Olivia skate" I needed to fake my puke,so they'll leave me alone "yeah,but I'm not agreeing" I smiled.

"Oh come on,don't be a party popper" Mattheo said,shaking my shoulders "yeah Olivia,don't be a party popper" Tom said with an amusement smirk,what is inside his head.

"No sorry" I took another bite "so what are you planning to do all day" Mattheo groaned in frustration "watching TV,reading,talking with Dylan or my brother,or Mio-" Tom interrupted me "wait,wait,wait,Dylan?".

"My childhood best friend" he had a jealous written on his forehead "for how long" I rolled my eyes "since we're 2" he frowned his eyebrows "you saw him,when we left,he has a blue eyes,and a little scar on his right cheek" Starting to remember how he got it,His father.

"Oh,yeah,the dusty hat guy" Mattheo said "yeah if you say so" I was about to take another bite,but of course,I will not,Tom came from behind me,mouthing something to Mattheo,"the fuck.....".

Mattheo whispered,walking up to his room "can I have a bite please" he whispered in my ear,he's such a teaser "uhh....nope" popping the P "that's mine" I kissed his cheek "yeah,but this" he pointed at me "this is mine" I was to shocked to answer,that I didn't even notice he took a bite "hey!" He laughed.

"I have a surprise for you today" I looked at him confused "that's the point of surprise isn't it" he tuck a piece of hair behind my ear "I need you to get ready,wear something comfortable".

Just as I was about to go upstairs,there was a knock on the door,"or not,I'll be right back" he walked to the door,I waited in the kitchen,shrugging my shoulders.

"Olivia" Tom called out "can you come here for a sec" I rolled my eyes,getting off the chair,and walking over to the door.seeing a guy,with dark green eyes,soft brown hair,a little higher then Tom,it can't be,Leo.

"Oli,stop staring and get your ass over here" he told me,I chuckled,running into his arms,wrapping my legs around his waist,and my hands around his neck,putting my head on his chest "it's ok,I'm here now" he whispered in my ear,kissing my head,I let out a little sob,while suddenly tears went down my cheeks.

We kept in this position,I didn't want to let go,and so does he,he let me cry into his chest,"shhh,princess,it's ok,I'm right here,let them fall" he kept whispering soothing things in my ear "do you want to go to your room?" He asked,I nodded "ok princess,I'm putting you down" I nodded,he put me down,quickly kissing my forehead.

I took his hand,starting to walk upstairs,"wait,there's someone here" I stopped turning around "hi Oli" the voice said,Dylan.I ran up to him and hugged him too.

I took them both to my room,laying with Leo in bed,snuggling into him "I missed you so fucking much,for both of you" Leo kissed my forehead again "we missed you more,believe me" he smiled up at me.

"Hey,I'm here too,you know" Dylan said in jealousy "yes I know dusty hat,shut up" he laughed "I missed you too,Oli",I turned to look at him,and gave him a kiss on the cheek,he chuckled again.

"So,what's new" Leo asked,I sigh "nothing,crying about mom and dad,about Freddie,that I'm not with you,so yeah nothing,what about you" Leo looked at me sad,while I looked at my hands,playing with my fingers "Oli......" I put my head on his chest,crying quietly,while he kissed my head,Dylan rubbing my waist,soothingly.

"Shhhh,Oli it's ok,breath slowly,I'm right here,breath" I did as I was told,breathing slowly,trying to calm myself down "I wanna go home" Leo looked at Dylan "princess,you know I can't".

I kept crying,why does everything is so complicated "I'm sorry Olivia" Leo said,trying to comfort me as hard as he can,"Olivia think about our first meeting" Dylan suddenly said "I know you since I'm 2,you think I remember" he chuckled "think about our first day at hogwarts.

I smiled,the memories came back to me.


"I still can't believe I'm going to hogwarts" I told to my mom and dad excitedly "I still can't believe I'm having a little sister to watch after at hogwarts" Leo said,my mom hit his chest.

"Ohhh I'm going to miss my little baby so much" my mom said,hugging me tightly "Sofia,let me hug my princess" my father said "shut up Michael,I'm very emotional right now,I'm letting go of my baby" my dad chuckled.

My mom pulled away with tears in her eyes "oh princess,I'm going to cry too,I can't believe you're so grown up" my dad said,picking me up hugging me.

We walked inside the train,after a very emotional goodbyes,"I'll see you at the end of the ride Oli" Leo said kissing my forehead,I nodded,he smiled at me and left to see his friends.

"Hi Oli" I heard my best friend voice saying "hi Dylan" I smiled at him "come and sit with me" he smiled back,and came inside my carriage.

After sometime of just talking,the 'trolley lady' came,and we bought some candy's "What house do you think you'll get put in?" Dylan asked,with his mouth full of chocolate "probably slytherin,because my whole family was slytherin" I said,my mouth stuff with chocolate too.

"I think I'll get put in huffelpuff,I want to be a huffelpuff,I hope I will" I smiled "what you are not is a ravenvlaw,you're an idiot" he laughed "I know right" I laughed too.

We laughed and talked the whole ride,until I saw the big castle in my view,I'm so excited,but nervous at the same time.

I can't believe I'm at hogwarts.


I didn't even notice,and I cried harder,Leo pressing me against his chest tighter "please don't leave,please stay here" I said through sobbing "this isn't for my choice princess,I don't think Tom will let us" I nodded "movie?" I nodded again.

Dylan sat next to me holding my hand tightly while watching the head buried in Leo's chest,not wanting to let go,cause I feel that if I'll let go,I'll feel cold,I'll feel in danger.

I wish they could stay here till the end.

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