C h a p t e r 20

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I got up from where I was and went next to everyone else.

"What you don't like your sister who pays you a visit" she asked.


I went up in front of everyone, since I was in the back.

"What's your name and what do you want" I asked.

"My name is hollow mikaelson" she said.


"And I can't tell you what I want"

"Spit it out I don't care" I said.

"Ok, I want your magic and if you don't give it to me then I will ruin your life" she explains.

"Ok.. I don't care" I said.

"Y/n" said Klaus looking at me cautiously.

My family all came in front Klaus on my left side Hailey on my right and the rest of them following the line.

"Look I just came here for your magic just give me it and I'll let you go" she said waking closer to me.

There were a couple minutes of silence she was now in front of me.

"No" I said.

She looked at me consciously before turning away.

She walked to were she was before and turned back at me with a smirk on here face.

"I'm not sorry". She said holding up her hand as she did that a blue light came running my way but I ran out of the way before it could hit me.

Bonnie stopped it by holding up her hands blocking it from hitting anyone.

Hollow was using a lot of magic wich was making Bonnie weak.

She was lousing growing weaker by the second.

Gosh I wish I had my wand.

Davina and freya came over to me while this was happening.

"Hold up your hand" Davina said.

"Wait why" I asked.

"Just hold it up" freya said.

I did as told and hold up my hand.

"Now think of something that makes you feel powerful or think of something that makes you mad" Davina said.

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