Ravenclaw's diadem

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Jasmine POV

Me and my sisters appeared in the Room of Requirement.

"Lets find this diadem and kill it. Then we can kill Riddle." I said.

"Everyone spread out and find the diadem." Artemis ordered and we all split, going alone or in two's or three's into the Room of Requirement.

I jogged through the maze of junk and rare treasures. There was few things that I examined that to see if not cursed(a book on necromancy for Bianca and Nico, a necklace that let Nico store up energy for shadow traveling, and a book on stealth and shadow magic for Bianca) I took(finder's keepers) before I heard a loud whoop from Finely.

I shadow traveled and saw Finely grinning widely and standing next to a diadem.

Ravenclaw's diadem.

"Good job Finely." Artemis praised. Serena, Cassandra, Celeste, Lilith, and Aurelia used their magic to exam the diadem.

"Is it safe?" I asked, getting out my bow blade and turning it into its dual sword form.

"Yes it is." Cassandra said. Her confidence and self esteem were improving everyday.

"Alright. Everyone back up." I ordered and they did. 

I plunged my sword into the diadem and it screamed and let out a small pulse like usual, and it was dead.

"Riddle's next." I said grimly.

"Then we'll kill him." Stella shrugged. "How hard can it be, an over confident male self proclaimed 'Dark Lord' against the Hunters of Artemis and the goddess of the moon?"

"We should still make a plan." Chloe frowned. "Athena-"

"Always has a plan." the rest of us finished. Chloe pouted after making a mock betrayed look.

I turned my Stygian Iron and silver swords back into its bow form and turned my bow blade back into its hidden form of a hair clip.

"Let's go back." Artemis said and teleported us away back to our camp.

I saw Dumbledore's outraged look as we disappeared and I did the most logical thing.

I gave him the middle finger as a teleported away, and back to the seaside cliffs of the Hunter's England camp.

Third Person POV

Dumbledore felt triumphant as he entered the Room of Requirement. He had found Jasmine at last and now she would be his pawn in his plan.

Lady Magic, Hecate's firstborn immortal daughter, scowled at the old Goat and snapped her fingers, giving the Hunters enough time to destroy the diadem and get away from her palace.

When she saw Jasmine give Dumbledore the middle finger as she teleported away, she laughed in a carefree tone. Lady Magic had been correct when she gave Jasmine her blessing.

She would be the strongest witch since Morgana Le Fay, the last one to hold her blessing.

"You will be the strongest witch the world is to be seen Jasmine Rhode Moonshade." Lady Magic murmured before she disappeared.

That is today's chapter, sorry its short but I do hope that you have enjoyed it.

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