16. "Matty I need your ...FUCKIG HELL YOU FREAK"

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Angelina POV

"I still can't believe you are a queen and have powers" Matty said after I explained him everything

"believe me when I say its even hard for me to believe too" I relied

Currently we were in his backyard me laying my head in his stomach as he laid on the ground, its 2 am and everyone is asleep beside us

"what else can you do?" he asked playing with my hair looking at the stars

"I don't know honestly I just use them by the situation and it would work" I replied

"can you fly?" he asked hiding his laugh

"I never tried but I think no because I never saw a human fly" I said

"I think we should sleep we have school in a few hours" he said

"wait we? You are in the same school as me" I ASKED
'of course" he replied

"but I like it here" I said staring at the stars

"hmm" he said and we laid there for five minutes when he broke the silence

"go on a date with me" he said still staring at the stars

"ok when?" I asked


"alright" I said

And then we burst out laughing

"it sounded like a business deal" I said

"yeah" he replied

"angel really likes you" he said

"I love her too she is just too cute" I replied

And that's what we did we were talking about everything and nothing at the same time, I even confessed to him about me knowing about the mafia

Basically, his dad is the king of all mafia, Tylor will take over next, and my dad and all work under them

We didn't realise when we fell asleep in the backyard until we were woken up by some annoying clicking sound and muffled giggling

"shut up" I heard Matty complaining as his stomach moved which I felt as my head was on top of it

I quickly shot open my eyes as I heard parker say "and....... Done"

"what done?" I asked

"sending your pic to your family" he replied

"oh okay...WAIT WHAT?" I shouted making Matty jump awake and next second my phone started ringing and I know its papa so I lift without seeing the id

"I am fully clothed in the picture you have nothing to worry" I said as I know that was what I was about to explain

"oh good" I heard and then papa said "are you coming here or ill you meet the boys at school and come home with them?"

I asked the same thing to Isabella and she said to stay here so I said dad the same thing

"ok then see you after school dear" papa said and hung up

"so sorry to disturb you like this" I said as I hung up phone as I feel like it should have been their family time which I am invading

"you are not disturbing anything dear you are family I never was able to calm angel like that, Jared was never smiling like he did when he was around you, and all the boys were closed off until you came you are the best thing that happened to this family dear you are family" Isabella said and I could not help but to hug her tightly

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