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Chapt8 .. Derek pov

I just wanted to be alone. And I'm almost certain that this was a bad idea because whenever I leave stiles alone bad things happen. Yesterday is a great example.

But when I'm trying to make a decision I go with my gut. I guess it's the alpha in me. I just need to talk to Boyd. He always says the right thing. Even if at first I don't want to admit it.

As soon as I get into the proximity of my old loft I sense three sixths of my pack also known as Boyd Erica and Issac. I can hear them arguing over something stupid that I don't give a damn about.

I open the door and walk inside , toward Boyd. They cut their conversation off and looked up at me.

"You and me need to talk"

"About wha- " Boyd gets cut off by my hands on his shirt yanking him towards the hallway

"Jeez Derek what's the rush ?!"

"Listen just listen" I didnt even recognize my own voice "ever since me and stiles's parents got together and we've been around each other more often I've been having these feelings for him. And i don't know why. It's so confusing and I don't know what to do about it. Because I can't go one fucking second without thinking of him and worrying about him and wanting to just kiss his whole fucking face off and shove my d-"
"Whoaaahhh whoaahh Derek , calm down your burning up" as he places a hand on my forehead. I cringe and pry his hands off me.

"I don't see a problem Derek .. You like stiles he likes you .. You guys won't stop looking at each other longingly from across the room like love sick puppies-then again you are one-

"Boyd." I cut him off

"Ok ok, my bad.. I still dont see a problem."

"The problem is I'm supposed to be the alpha. The big bad wolf. The leader. The babe magnet.. Not some guy with sugar in his tank" I deadpaned

"Don't let what others might think stop you from your own happiness, I mean yeah you'll be different but at least your happy. That's what matters Derek."

Boyd smiles up at me "and plus you'll have someone to screw on a regular basis" he smirks at me

"I hate you." I glare at him

"No you don't"

"I know .. " I reply

Boyd walks off going back with the others. Leaving me consumed with my thoughts.

Boyd can be a really weird guy, but he's actually really smart and clever-I hate to say it but- maybe even a little more then me.

There's only one thing left to do. Go get my stiles ... For like the thousandth time this week
I bolt out the door to my camaro.

Hearing Boyd yell "Don't screw him too hard we have school tomorrow!!"


I know I know.... Sorry for the cliff hanger. I had to or the next chapter wouldn't flow right. The next update will be .... Soon

- Kayden

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