the crush/ james

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requested by godisagrande I hope you like it <3

James and I's son had invited his best friend over at our house to sleep over. He was a nice boy and I was glad my son had chosen him for a friend, because he was quite good influence on him. And having in mind how wild fifteen-year-olds can be, he was one of the best children that could ever exist. We had definitely raised him well.

He had invited a few other boys to sleep over at our place, so they were going to have a boys party. I had prepared some snacks for them and went onto my son's room to leave them. When I was just about to close the door I heard something that made me feel somewhat flattered. "Y/s/n's mother is so hot, I think I have a crush on her" said Y/s/n's best friend - Anthony and I almost couldn't believe it. I mean, I knew I looked good and the fact that I was a model couldn't be ignored, but to hear that from your son's friend was quite unusual. I just smiled to myself and closed the door behind me. I practically couldn't wait to tell James, because I found it so amusing, but flattering at the same time.

I went to our bedroom where he was reading a book and I beamed excitedly.

- James, you won't guess what!

- What?

- Anthony has a crush on me! I heard him say it when I went to Y/s/n's room. He wasn't there, don't worry.

- Isn't he fifteen? – James chuckled.

- Yeah, right? I think I'm too old for fifteen-year-old to have a crush on me, don't you think?

- You? With that body and that pretty face, I would have a crush on you even if I was five, wifey!

- Thank you, James. you always know what to say – I laid beside him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

- I'm just saying the truth, baby. You're a milf.

- A milf?

- Yeah – mommy I'd like to-

- Don't finish that! Oh god, I hope he doesn't think that!

- Sorry to break it to you, but he most probably does.

- Stop it, James! I don't want to think what my son's friend thinks of me, please.

We laughed a little and he hugged me after he left his book on the nightstand.

- So can we go to bed now? Because I want to make love to my beautiful wife.

- Only if I make love to my handsome husband.

- It's a deal, I'll call him.

- James! – I hit him playfully as he got over me and muffled my laugh with a kiss.

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