XIX - Walls

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I woke up calmly. The first time I had done in weeks. Nightmares came and went through the nights plaguing my mind, but last night, there were none.

I stared at the wall before realising I could only hear myself breathing and not Clay. I shifted my head to the side, indeed there was an empty bed, no mask to be seen in the table.

I sighed before rolling out of bed almost stumbling to the floor before I caught myself, using the bed to pull myself up.

I looked down at the clothes I was wearing, feeling icky from days of wearing them. I sighed. I didn't bring any to change into. I'm sure Clay wouldn't mind if I just borrowed some. It wouldn't be weird, would it?

I delved through his chests and brought out a pair of black trousers and a green hoodie. I had to roll the legs up a couple times aswell as the arms of the hoodie so they fit better before checking all my armour was in the pile.

I walked out and down the hall way, in no rush, although Schlatts speech would be today it wasn't as if he would be getting up anytime soon. The amount of alcohol that man downed was almost impressive.

I shook my head. I don't want to think about the intoxicated man this early in the morning. I strode my way down the stairs, flinging open the door to the kitchen, expecting three heads, belonging to the men, to flick in my direction.

Instead there was only one.

Clay was leaning against the table, bowl in hand. He looked up from his breakfast to me. He cleared his throat before he greeted me.

"Good morning, Princess" I rolled my eyes. He was back to being his egotistical, manipulative usual self I see.
"Sapnap and George have gone out"

He lifted his spoon and stuck a big mouthful, of what looked like cereal, into his mouth. He looked back up at me, a grin across his exposed mouth as he chewed. I frowned.

"What?" He asked, before carrying on eating.

"Why are you still wearing it?" Gesturing towards his mask. "Sapnap and George are gone, I've already seen your face"

He simply shrugged, not making a deal out of it. "Habit, I guess"

He finished his food, straightening his back as he pushed off the table where he was leaning. He walked towards me, brushing my shoulder as he dunked his bowl into the sink.

I stayed tense from the bare touch. Even though I had spent nights with him, I couldn't always compose myself. I became vunerable around him.

And I hated it.

"What time is Schlatts presidential speech?" I spoke, trying to distract myself and stop the rising redness of my face.

"Not sure, be ready to leave in an hour. Who knows what state the man'll be in."


We walked down the path, side by side. Clay had found me some better fitting clothes, which I wore under my netherite armour.

We stode silently, watching as the podium came into veiw. A rising lump in my throat as the always suited man, surprisingly due to his alcoholic tendacies, threw his arms into the air. He waved at us as quackity timidly stood behind him, shooting me a small smile.

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