So now you want me?

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You gazed dreamily at Hermione from where you sat. You were a fellow Gryffindor, and a year younger than her. Unfortunately for you, despite the countless times you tried, you got rejected over and over again. And every time your heart broke a little.

You wanted to try again. You knew it was a stupid idea but you just had to. You had to keep trying. You were just thankful Hermione wasn't a bitch when she rejects you. She's patient, playful, and considerate of your feelings. You just hoped you could stand another rejection.


I sat in the library after classes, reading calmly. I saw Y/N approach me and I immediately knew what she was going to do. I was very familiar with what she wanted. And I'm not mad. People can't help what they feel and I understand that. But I wish she wouldn't ask continuously.

I calmly looked up at her. "Do I know what this is about?" I ask her quietly. She bit her lip. "Maybe." I stood up and put a hand on her shoulder. She flinched, knowing what I was about to say.

"Y/N, I care about you, but not in the way you care for me. At least, I don't think I do. I'm sorry, but as always, it's a no." You smiled sadly, slowly pushing my hand off your shoulder. "It's fine. See you around?" She turned around and she was gone.


I sigh sadly as I walk outdoors. I sit under a tree, thinking about why I keep asking her and asking her. I was sure she was tired of it.I heard a dreamy voice above you singing softly. I looked up and sure enough, it was Luna Lovegood.

I smile at her. "Hey Luna." Luna smiled an unfocused smile at me, climbing down from the tree. "Hello there!" She said, offering me to shake her hand.
"I'm Y/N. Y/N L/N." I say, shaking her hand. Luna grins, her attention fully focused on me. "I know. I've seen you around."

"Have you now?" I laughed. And that's how our conversation started. We ended up being good friends by the end of the day.



As soon as I walked out of the Gryffindor common room the following weekend, I heard loud laughter from the corridors. And I saw Y/N. She was with Luna, laughing, joking, smiling. They were playfully teasing yeah other, while cracking jokes about being sane.

Though I had no room to be jealous, I was. And I had no idea why. I rejected her, I shouldn't be jealous. Unless I was fucking wrong about how I felt the entire time.

All I knew was when Luna took her hand, my brain went blank. All I felt was jealousy and longing and I couldn't place why. I thought about the way I felt about Y/N. I noticed all the signs in myself. I had mistaked romantic feelings for platonic ones. And now I was paying for it.

All those times I had rejected her I honestly would have been glad to have her. But, I guess I couldn't have known. She's the only person I've felt like this for. And I had to have her back.

"You move on quickly Y/N..." I say. Luna and Y/N turn around. "W-what?"


Hermione looked deadset on murdering Luna. I couldn't quite understand why the hell she was pissed. It's not like she wanted me.  "What's your deal?! I can't have friends?" She pointed to our entertwined hands. "Looks like a bit more than that." She said bitterly.

I rolled my eyes. "It's a friendly gesture, Mione. Even Ginny understands that, and she's Luna's girlfriend! And why would you care anyway?!"

Hermione's face flushed and she looked away. I went on, still annoyed. "Mione, you sit here and act so jealous when you don't even need me! Why the fuck do you pretend to care?!"

Hermione looked at you, then down at her feet. "Because I'm supposedly the Brightest Witch of Our Age but I can't even see the the line between platonic and romantic." She said quietly.

Luna sighed. "Guess I owe Ron 5 Galleons now." You turn to her. "What? Why?" She laughed. "The first time you confessed I made a bet Hermione would never realize her feelings were romantic."

I stood there, deadass confused. "So you've been rejecting me over and over because you never realized what you really felt?" Hermione nodded, taking a few steps closer. She touched my cheek affectionately and I couldn't back away. I've wanted her for so long, and now I had her.

"Please, forgive me love." She says quietly, kissing my head. I whisper softly. "How could I not?" Hermione kisses me gently but deeply. She wrapped her arms around my waist and I wrapped my arms around her neck. I could've never imagined I finally had her. Now, I can't imagine it stopping.

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