32. emotional

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Y/N Pov.:

It was days later and Tom was on his way back to london while we went to our last talk.

"Do you think this will go better ?" i asked Chris. It was one of the most i conversations from all of them, with one of the 2 person that had exactly what we played in the movie. But the other person wasn't that open about it as we thought.

"I hope. But we can't be mad at her. Maybe she wasn't that ready to talk about it." he said.

"Yeah, i know." i said and we walked in. We went though everthing like we do usual and then walked in her room. She laid on the bed and her parents, boyfriend and college was around her. "Hello."

"Y/N, Chris, nice to meet you." her mom said.

"Nice to meet you too and thank you for allowing us to talk to you." Chris said. "You would be Alex, right ?"

"That would be me." she said and smiled. Alex was the girl that went through everthing.

"Nice to meet you Alex." i said. "So as you know we just want to talk to you about your experiences. You can just tell us what you want to tell. We won't push you to anything."

Everyone nodded.

"So maybe we could start that you could explain us what it felt like ?" Chris asked.

"Uhm okay, so it's felt weird ?" everyone chuckled a little. "Well i don't have control over my body. It started with cramping really hard. In the hospital i got stiffer and stiffer. Until the point when i couldn't move anymore."

"Do you know why ?" i asked.

"They explained me that it's my body that's doing this to my. So my body attacks one side of my brain." she said.

"And how did it feel emotional ?" i asked.

"It was very confused. My first symphony were that i forgot things really fast or imagined things. I felt like a freak and that no one understood me. Then here in the hospital i felt complete lost. Everyone knew something was up with me but no one knew what. And i kinda felt like i lost myself ? Because i also couldn't tell anything and then i lost my control over my body." she said.

"And how did it felt for the others ?" Chris asked.

"I think i was the first one that realised that something was wrong with her." her college said. "At woke she was always so distracted. I thought she maybe lived her life and be young and that's why she didn't concentrate. But i grew more suspicious when she showed me buck bites on her arm that weren't even there."

"Hallucinations." i said.

"Yes." she said.

"We lost a little more contact." her boyfriend said. "She wasn't herself anymore. She forgot always things and wasn't concentrated when i called her. The first time i saw her cramping i immediately called her parents. I was completely shocked because i felt useless."

"For us it was shocking when he called us and said we you come to her place as soon as possible." her mom said. "We took her took her to us for a while and we saw every day that she changed. She had extreme mood swings, did randomly lay i the pool or just was in her own world."

"We didn't saw our daughter in her anymore." her dad said. "She was always the politely cute girl and than randomly just screamed at us, or not at us. We also felt lost when always new doctors came in and left without knowing anything. It was hard to watch our daughter losing herself and we couldn't do anything against it."

"Could you think normally ?" i asked her.

"Yes. Well, i thought a little different but i could think normally like emotional." she said.

"What were your thoughts when you saw them around you, seeing losing you ?" i asked.

"It was so hard. I wanted to jump up and hug them but i couldn't. For my boyfriend i was very sorry because he just lived his dream life and then i came and ruined it. For my parents i was also really sorry, because i don't want to imagine if my kid would lay there and just don't be herself anymore. It would comepltx broke me. At most i was sorry for me dad- " she looked at him. "Can i tell them about it ?"

"Yeah, it's fine." he said and took a deep breath.

"In his relationship before he already lost a kid, and i can't imagine what he thought. I could have died soon if my doctor didn't found out what was up with me. I wouldn't want that he lost one more person." she said. Tears were already in mine and Chris eyes.

"Thank you for telling us." Chris said.

"Can i asked why your body is attacking your brain ?" i asked.

"Definitely stress." she said. "My dream just came true of becoming a writer. I really want to write and my job now was at a newspaper. I wanted to come at the front page. Than also the stress with moving and everything just was too much for my body to handle." she said.

We talked 30 minute more and some tears left every eye. After that we said our goodbye.

"It was very nice to talk to you. I think it really helped us more." i said looking at Chris at the end.

"Definitely. We wish you all good luck for the future and you Alex, you are the strongest girl i've ever met. It was nice to have a look in your head." Chris said.

"Thank you. Also thank you very much for taking your time to talk to people for the movie. It means a lot to us." she said.

"Of course." we both said. Soon after that we left the hospital.

"I'm surprised you didn't cried more." i said to Chris when we walked out.

"I just didn't want to cry in front of them. I don't want to know how her dad really felt." he said and i saw tears leaving his eyes. I linked me arm in his and we walked back tot eh hotel.

"Same. I tried so much not to think about me being her. Close relationship to her family, check, close relationship to her dad, check, dream came true in a short time, check, stress, check. I tried so much not to think about if it would happen to me." i said also crying.

"You know you need to play her, right ?" he laughed a little.

"You know you need to play him, right ?" i teased back.

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