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"Quick quick!" Bang PD nim, the manager of BTS shouted, as the makeup artists were giving a light and natural make over to Jungkook and Jimin. All the other members were outside the room, probably playing until the fanmeet starts. Jungkook and Jimin were the only one getting makeup because they got late.

"I can't believe you two brats. I told you not to get late and you did exactly what I asked you not to" PD nim scolded.

"PD nim, you need to chill~.We're almost done. Fanmeet isn't even started yet" Jungkook said as he rolled his eyes, sipping on his banana milk.

"Don't roll your eyes too much Jungkook. You won't find your brain." PD nim teased as JK glared at him.

"What did you just say?" Jungkook asked.

"yOu nEeD To cHiLL, Jungkook~" PD nim teased back with the same line which Jungkook used. God knows how much these two loved to tease each other.

"Done!" JK's makeup artists announced.

"Thanks noona!" JK smiled as she replied with a 'welcome'. JK turned as he glared at the PD nim who smirked, before leaving the room. Jimin was still getting ready and JK decided not to interrupt him as he walked in the hallways. His eyes caught Namjoon, who was looking at a paper.

"What is this, Hyung?" JK asked.

"Oh Jungkook! This is how we're gonna sit in the fanmeet" Namjoon replied.

"Can I have a look?" JK asked as Namjoon showed him the paper. However, his smile dropped to floor when he looked at it. It was because the seats were not very satisfying to him. It was like this-


"What the heck is this? I don't like it." Jungkook complained.

"Yeah me too" Namjoon mumbled. He was also frowning that he was sitting so far from Jin.

"Why am I sitting this far from Jimin?" JK asked as he gripped the paper firmly, almost tearing it under his tight hold.

"It happened after your fight with Jimin. He asked PD nim to put his seat as far away from you as possible" Namjoon informed as JK frowned even more.

Jungkook blankly stared at the paper as a small flashback came to him.


"Jungkook! Let's sit together in fanmeet" Jimin said, giving a eye smile to Jungkook.

"Huh? No! I want peace. I don't want you to annoy me the whole fanmeet" Jungkook said.

"I won't annoy you, Kookie. I promise. Now let's please sit together. I won't even disturb you trust me" Jimin requested again.

"Nope! Not at all. Your presence beside me would be disturbing enough. You know what? I'll prefer to sit with Namjoon hyung" Jungkook said as he walked passed by Jimin and went to his seat, making sure to sit as far away from Jimin as he could, leaving behind a frowning Jimin.

End of flashback

"Ugh!" Jungkook whined like a kid on remembering how much of a rude person he was in the past. However, he was going to change himself and his past mistakes. So things needed to be changed again.

"You know what, hyung!" He said as Namjoon looked up at him. Suddenly, JK tore the paper in two pieces.

"We don't need this sitting plan anymore. We're gonna make some changes." He said as Namjoon looked at him in disbelief.

"What do you mean? We can't do that!" Namjoon informed.

"Tell me hyung! You don't want to sit beside Jin?" He asked as Namjoon looked at him before nodding hesitatingly.

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