Chapter 3

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Celine's POV

The ride to the church was silent. I was nervous; so nervous that I couldn't sit still. My heart was pounding in nerves as I realize that after today, I will become Mrs Celine Carter.

I should be excited because my dreams were coming true but I just couldn't find it in me to be excited; not when I know that my husband to be is against our marriage.

The car suddenly came to a halt pulling me out of my thought. My heart was pounding hard in fear and nerves. I was afraid that Abel might change his mind in the last minute and leave me hanging at the altar.

I don't know if I would be able to take such humiliation.

I looked out the car window and realize that we weren't at the church yet. But why did Jerry stop?

"Jerry is everything okay?"

"There seem to be an accident ahead ma'am. Please stay here, I'll go check it out" he climbed out of the car leaving me in panic.

The thought of an accident brought back painful memories of my family's death. What if the person involved in the accident is in need of help.

The memories of my sister with her eyes closed got me rushing out of the car. I couldn't save her but maybe I can help the victims.

I climbed out of the car and truthfully there was a car there that has crash into a tree. There was no one in sight except my driver Jerry who stood inspecting the car and making a call.

I moved closer and my movement must have called Jerry's attention because he suddenly looked towards me.

He ended the call and walked towards me "ma'am you should stay in the car. I have already called an ambulance"

I was barely listening to him because someone called my attention. The little boy in the back sit bleeding from the head reminded me of a scene I wish to forget.

I subconsciously pulled my arms away from Jerry's gentle hold. I hadn't even realize he was holding me.

My legs moved on their own accord towards the back sit of the wrecked car. Tears were pouring down my eyes as I no longer saw the little boy; I saw Lauren's lifeless body with blood oozing from her injured head.

The wedding gown was uncomforted to run in and the heels I wore made it all the more difficult but eventually I reached the car and tugged open the door.

I pulled the little boy out but he was kind of heavy and Jerry must have noticed my struggle because he rushed forward to help.

We successfully pulled the unconscious little boy out and place him in the back sit of my car and Jerry also helped the driver unconscious driver out and helped him into the back sit.

If anyone saw us now it would be weird. A woman in a wedding dress trying to save a little boy when she should be on her way to her wedding.

But I didn't care about my wedding at the moment. I just had to save this boy even though I had absolutely no idea who he was.

I was pacing in the waiting room waiting for the doctor who has been with the little boy in the emergency ward for over an hour now.

I didn't want him to die. I really don't know how I would feel if he dies.

Everyone around kept giving me strange looks. Probably because I'm in a wedding dress but I ignored them all and waited anxiously for the doctor.

Finally he came out of the emergency ward and the smile on his face gave me a bit of relief.

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