Chapter 10

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I still couldn't get that kiss from Kerri out my mind I've been trying my best to avoid her, but it's so hard when you live with that person.

I pulled up outside Kristen mom house to drop the boys off as i do after every weekend. I walk them to do the door and rung the doorbell "be good for your mom and nana" I insisted looking My sons right in the eyes.

"Ok daddy" they both said in unison.

Kristen open the door wearing tights and a tank top with her hair pulled back in a ponytail like she just came in from the gym.

"Mommy" Zhamir and Ahamir said together both giving her a hug.

"You guys go inside and let me talk to your daddy"

I hugged both of them goodbye before they ran into the house.

"I just want to say thank you" Kristen said. I looked at her with bewilderment "for what"

"For keeping my sister safe, I know she did hurtful things to me and I have never felt more betrayed, but with all they said she's still my only sister and I would be devastated if something were to happen to her" Kristen said with tears in her eyes.

I nodded my head unsure of what else to say. "You did the right thing by helping her and I just wanted to thank you for that" she said turning around to go inside. I felt a tug inside that just couldn't let her walk away even though in the hospital after being shot I promised God If he let me live k would become a better man and a better father to my kids and I would give Kristen the space she needed to get over me because she deserves better than me. But looking at her now I just can't keep that promise I love her to much to let her slip away from me. And maybe a selfish part of me refuse to see her give another man what she was supposed to give me forever.

"Kris" I started she blinked twice "yes"she whispered "I still"

she placed her index finger on my lips and shook her head "Quan no please I can't take this." She said wiping tears our her eyes "I'm happy I deserve to be happy I. I"she stammered trying to find the words. I took my chance and leaned in a kissed her passionately. I slipped my tongue in her mouth waiting for her to push me away, to stop me, but she didn't. She kissed me back locking her hands around my head.

For me time stood still nothing else in this world mattered right now, but her. I waned every inch of her, I wanted to take away the pain I caused her and replace it with joy, love and happiness. I knew she could never fully forgive me for what I did, but this kiss have given me hope.

We both pulled away not wanting to. I held her waist for a few seconds longer before letting go. "I'm sorry" she apologized. I rested my forehead on hers and cupped her face "you have nothing to be sorry about" I replied.

She turned towards the house "I need to check on the boys" she said turning to leave. I walk back to my car with a smile on my face. God if I got my wife back I would never let another woman come between us again.

A half hour later I pulled up to Brittany's hotel. I found a few house close by that looked promising. I dialed her number and waited for her to come outside. Fifteen mins later Brittany came out strutting like she was a supermodel.

"Hey" she said grinning her mood was infectious and I couldn't resist smiling back. "Hey, you seem happy this morning"

"My spa day was amazing it was just what I needed to let go of my stress"

I smiled hearing her say that made me feel good like I was doing something right. "So the first one we're going to go see is about 30 mins away from here in Calabasas, but remember don't settle find something you really like and feel safe in." She nodded

"I really like this" Brittany whined for the 50th time since we got here. We stood in a two store house plus a basement all wood floor newly furnished. It had three bedrooms and a guest room and and two and a half bathroom. And a big back yard with a pool already installed. It was a beautiful house, but she's not even trying to look at the rest of them. "Don't settle" I reminded her.

"Im not settling I love this place and I can see myself in it" she protested. I sighed "find we'll take it" I told the realtor. I wrote her a check and handed Brittany the keys "I'll let you get settled in I have to go home and check on the twins"

"Ok" she said

"I'll leave the interior decorating to you. It would be nice if you gave your sister a call so she could help I know she like that type of stuff." I said speaking of Kristen made me think back to our kiss this morning.

Brittany made a face "what was that look for?" she asked

"Nothing just thinking of your sister." I said smiling.

"Are you guys getting back together" Brittany asked raising her eyebrow. I shrugged not wanting to jinx anything "I be the luckiest man on earth if she does" I turned around before I could see Brittany face contorted with anger. "I'll talk to you later" I yelled over my shoulder.

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