sixty six

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a/n: sydney sweeney/god herself as narcissa malfoy nèe black <3

a/n: sydney sweeney/god herself as narcissa malfoy nèe black <3

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"i visited andromeda a few months back."


"i just don't get why you're going in the first place," said sirius as he sat on the sofa, looking around the lounge in grimmauld place that brought back awful memories but he felt also a great deal of closure now that he'd came back. it was a sort of bittersweet feeling.

"it's cissy that invited me," shrugged regulus as he played around with the keys on the piano, "she was my favourite growing up, much like andromeda was yours."

"it's a baby shower, right?" asked remus to which regulus nodded.

"it's all women that go but cissy invited me because i was always stuck with her group of friends growing up," said regulus, smiling slightly at lyra who was curled up in james' lap, whilst noir said above the fireplace, next to a framed picture of the family of four that was still there.

"it's a shame wormy couldn't be here," said james, looking amongst the four, feeling strange that peter wasn't here too.

"what's this?" asked sirius, who'd gotten up and went a wander round the lounge until he came across a tiara looking thing, that he promptly put atop of his head and looked absolutely stunned when he caught his reflection in the mirror, "okay, does this suit me or what?"

"sirius," said regulus, the piano let out an ugly sound when he saw what sirius had on his head and he got up and walked over to his brother and pulled the diadem off of his head.

"reg, can i not have it?" asked sirius childishly, to which regulus shook his head and sirius tried to grab it from him but regulus pulled it away before sirius could get ahold of it. their respective boyfriends watched from the couch.

"okay you can have it," reasoned regulus, at least, that's what sirius thought. regulus extended his arm to it's full height and said, "if you can reach it."

"you're horrible," pouted sirius, going over to remus to make himself feel better. regulus chuckled to himself and smiled victoriously at james, who laughed at what regulus had done.

regulus excused himself and decided to go up and hide the horcrux somewhere, he hadn't destroyed it yet because he actually hadn't had the time to. he had done a few raids since then, using his magical abilities to manipulate the situation in his favour so he came out as the person who was being held back by his idiot death eater peers. he put it in his desk drawer and locked the drawer, using a locking charm.

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