Remote tickling

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Macie and Sam were sitting on the couch. Yeah we all know what she's watching. "WE'RE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER!!!" Macie sang loudly while jumping up and down. Another high school musical movie. Sam tried his best not to burst out laughing at her while secretly recording her dance. He rolled his eyes at her nonsense and ended the recording.

The credits rolled for the movie as Macie reached for the remote. "Now for the second movie." She said as Sam reached over and grabbed it first. "Oh no. We already saw 2 HSM movies. It's my turn now." Sam exclaimed as he turned to the marvel section on Disney+. "No! HSM 3!" Macie yelled as she launched on top of Sam and tried to grab the remote. "Gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme!" Macie repeated. Sense Sam was taller than Macie, he was easily able to get the remote away from her. But Macie worked smarter by ducking down Sam's shoulders to get over him. "Hey! You little-!" He said while Macie was  inches from the remote. She felt 10 fingers wiggling around her hip bones. "Sammy no!" She cried as her giggles began to fill the living room. "It's my turn you little rascal. Now hand me the remote." Sam replied with a smirk. Sam positioned himself so he was on top of Macie. Macie cling the remote to her belly. "NO! HIGH SCHOOL MUSICAL ALL THE WAY!"

"Then you left me no choice." Sam replied as he poked Macie's sides to make her let go of the remote. Sam quickly grabbed it but he wasn't finished with Macie yet. He wanted her to learn to not mess with him. "I didn't wanna have to do this. But if this is how it's gonna be, than so be it." Sam lifted Macie's shirt up and scratched her belly. Macie's giggled turned into laughter. "Sammy stop!" Macie cried as she soon connected the dots. She noticed Sam smirking while holding his breath. Macie gasped and struggled to get out of his hold. "No no no! Please no!" Macie pleaded as Sam slammed his head down on her belly making fart noises out of his mouth. "NO!!!!" Macie screamed and laughter as his raspberries made her kick her feet and bang her fist on the couch.

Sam lifted his head from Macie's belly and helped her up so she can sit in his lap. "So, you learned your lesson sweetheart?" He asked as Macie nodded. "Now, let's see what I wanna watch?" He said as he looked through the marvel section. Sam decided on Captain America: Civil War. Macie still watched the remote and decided to reach for it when Sam lightly traced his finger up her side. Macie giggled instantly. "Were you trying to steal the remote again?" Sam smirked as Macie rolled her eyes. "What're you gonna do about it?"

Sam never got to watch his movie after all.

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