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"No, Amelia. It's freaking sunny"

"Don't hit me with the sarcasm and won't the camera get wet in the rain"

"No, it will be fine. Do you have the keys?"

"Yeah, now get in"

"I told you we should have stayed in the car before the rain-oops-began"

"Whatever boring child, anywho, would you like to inform our viewers on what we were doing?"

"We decided to get our wellies out and go walk in the forest; until it began to piss it down. Now the Dodge is covered in mud"

"Not my doing"

"Of course not, you didn't do anything gee"

"Oh gosh golly that would be awful if I did wouldn't it"

He slowly switched off the camera and turned to me. "And yes you did do something"

"What did I do?" Fear settled in my face.

"You are too cute, that's what you did" he smiled and kissed my cheek. "I think it's stopped now"

"I swear California's weather is nearly as bad as England's weather" I sighed and got out, my feet disappearing in the mud. "JESUS"

"Don't move, I'll come pull you out" Ross jogged around the other side of the car. Slowly, strong beams of sunlight illuminated the forest. "Give me your arm"

He held my forearm and pulled, yanking me right out of my wellies and him falling back into a puddle mostly made of mud. I fell to the ground, tears of laughter streaming down my face.

"Oh, it's hilarious" he threw a handful of mud, hitting my shoulder. I shrieked as a worm made its way down my arm. "Oh shit"

"You are going down" I grabbed my wellies and kicked forward, spraying him with gloopy mud. He reached forward and grabbed my hands pulling me into his muddy arms.

I writhed and tried to fight his grip but he silently held on to me until I stopped. "Boa constrictor"

"You love my hugs, I know you do"

"You're right, except from when they cover me in mud" I smiled and kissed him. "We should probably go and wash all of our clothes at a laundrette"

"But there is no way in hell I'm driving covered in mud" he stood and pulled me up. "If you need me, I'll be changing behind that tree"

I giggled and watched him walk off before gathering my own stuff and also changing behind a tree.


"Push me, wait dont-"

I was sitting on this little kind of swing in the laundrette and if you pushed it too far, it would spin rather than go forwards and backwards (I didn't particularly feel like flying into a machine that could possibly fit me inside).

"Oops, sorry" he put his phone away. "Well our stuff should be done at any time"

"Yeah, these machines are quite fast" a girl, possibly around our age, walked over and sat down. She had long brown hair and matching brown eyes, a lollipop in her mouth. She eyed us both. "Are you two like on the run?"

"Road trip" I answered.

"Ah, I'm Tiegan" she crossed her legs. "I got bored and decided to come over, what are you two called"

"I'm Ross and this is Amelia" Ross answered her. "OOOH the machine's done"

As he went to take our stuff out, I spoke to Tiegan. "So, you work here?"

"It sucks, some times I want to quit"

"Then do, I'm sure there are better things to do then work at a laundrette in the middle of nowhere" I shrugged.

"Do you guys have space in your car?" I nodded at her question. She held up one finger and walked to the front where a grumpy old woman stared her down. They exchanged words until she threw her apron at her and then walked back with a smile.

"So" Tiegan clasped her hands together and I couldn't hold back my giggle. "Road trip did you say?"

tiegan's chill guys I promise

Love, Ross // r.s.l.Where stories live. Discover now