Chapter 3.2

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1st September , 1989 Dumbledore's Office

A hooded man sat in front of Albus Dumbledore , his fists clenched as his twinkling grey eyes glared at the older man in front of him . He was loosing his patience second by second , while the elderly man sat calmly - his blue eyes glowing with the look that told he had plan in his head .

" For The last time , Dumbledore - You can not keep Ariel away from me " The man said , anger evident in his voice .

" Actually , I can " Dumbledore said , his lips curving up slightly .

" Looks like you have forgotten that you are supposed to be- dead " Dumbledore said .

" But , I am not ! And that's important ! After all these years I have finally found her ,found something worth living for and I am not going to give up someone like her so easily !" The man said .

" Trust me , I know how important the girl is " Dumbledore said , his blue eyes meeting the grey ones in front of him. Something told the man that the old headmaster had an evil plan in mind , of course - since he wasn't actually the wise and good angel as he looked

" W-What do you mean ?" The man asked , his voice shaking from anger . He knew that Dumbledore didn't have good intentions , at least not with him or Ariel.

" I thought you would know what I mean , after all - you were the one who tried to do it in the first place " Dumbledore said , smiling to himself as realization dawned on the face of the handsome man in front of him.

" But that was different !! Now he is gone !" The man yelled , standing up .

" Not for long " Dumbledore said .

The hooded man gulped .

" Even if he isn't , then why does it include her !" The man yelled , but inside - he was shaking with fear .

" I thought you knew her well ?"Dumbledore asked , when he got nothing in response - he continued .

" Don't worry - In due time , you shall know , the world shall know " Dumbledore said .

" STOP PLAYING THESE GAMES ! "The man yelled , whipping out his wand and pointing it at Dumbledore's neck .

" Don't try to fool me .You don't know the power of us Blacks, One spell - one spell and you will be burned to ashes " The man growled , and a look - that no one had seen before ,crossed Dumbledore's eyes for a second , but it disappeared quickly .

The man straightened his posture and tucked his wand in his robes after Dumbledore had nodded . He brushed his robes and pulled the hood further up against his face , so that his previously visible grey eyes were hidden from view .He turned around and headed towards the door of Dumbledore's office. He had just reached for the door handle , when he hesitantly stopped . With his gaze fixed at the door in front of him , he spoke , in such calmness that can defeat Dumbledore's -

" You are a weak man , Dumbledore , and you know it . You have destroyed many lives and now , using a kid to do something you can do in a snap . Pathetic! Remember , If you drag my niece into this, I won't even need a wand to torture you " The man said .

" And , I will meet her , when the time is right . And I will protect her , And you helpless git won't be able to do anything ....Anything "

And with those final words , the man headed out of the door , an angry fire burning in his eyes - as he left one of the most powerful sorcerers of all times - dumbfounded and scared .


Bruises ( Ariel Celeste Black)Where stories live. Discover now