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The whole Accardi family was at hospital eager to meet their new member. They all were eager to meet their youngest member. They did not know what was the gender of the baby but they they all thought their new member to be a boy because the Accardi family doesn't have a girl being born in the past 9 decades.

The Accardi family knew that their mother and sister-in-law was whore but they love their new member and their family.

Armando came out of the room with a smile and tear marks plastered on his face.He called all of his sons and brothers to came in the hospital room.

When they entered into the room they saw Bernley sleeping on the hospital bed. All of them ignored her and moved towards the hospital cot (not much good with hospital stuff)where Armando was standing looking down in the cot.

They move towards the cot and they were shocked to see a baby wrapped in pink blanket. All of their eyes started to tear up including their older brothers and uncles. 

It is a girl.

A girl was born into Accardi family after 9 decades

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A girl was born into Accardi family after 9 decades. Everyone in the hospital room except Bernly because for her she was going to be a attention-seeker who will take all the attention from her.

She despises her own daughter which type of person does that, well person like her does that. Everyone was excited to bring their princess home while her mother was thinking how to get rid of her.

1 Month Later

Armando and his sons were playing with Aiden despite of knowing what will happen in few hours. They all love Aiden with their whole heart and would be heartbroken if something happen to their princess. 

All her uncles and cousins love her moon to back. They all wanted to spoil their princess.They all painted her nursery in neutral color with pink shades. It was new for all of them to have a princess their house.

All of things had to be changes because they don't want their princess to walk around in a place which look's like men's locker room.They all had changed their habits and help each other to take care of their princess.

The Same night

Everybody were in the living room watching movie together as one family they are. But then Alphonso (the eldest sibling) noticed the time and wondered that their princess usually wake up at this time to get feed.Damn boy was he wrong. he went into Aiden room and saw her missing. 

And that's how the downfall of Accardi family began.

There own fucking mother kidnapped their princess and ran away.The Accardi family was devastated and swore to find Bernly and kill her. 

But first to find their princess and bring her back home.


Hey guys! Em here. Hope you guys like my story. This is my first time trying to write a story like this. I mean I have written stories of mafia in another app but never of this type. 

Hopefully you guys like this story. Please share it with friends and them to also share it.It would be a great help for me .

Also please vote down.

Love you guys>3

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