Chapter 45: 'Kiss You'

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Lizzie's P.O.V

“O. My. God” I said.

I covered my mouth with my hand.

I have no idea what to say.

I just watched the lads new music video.

I honestly don’t even know what its suppose to be about.

They are surfing, sailors, they go to jail, they are riding freaking motorcycles and cars...

But Niall looks cute!

“What do you think?” Niall said.

“Well. I think it is kind of funny. It was a good music video. People will definitely be talking about this” I said.

“You are basically torturing those poor fans. You make a music video were ALL of you are shirtless” I said.

“Its what they want” Harry said.

“You know you like it” Niall whispered in my ear.

I blushed and looked away.

“Staph it” I said.

“What?” he said all innocently.

“Just make me a sandwich. PWEASE” I said.

“Fine” he said.

“Me too” Harry said.

“Get it your self, Curley!” He said.

“Well then” Harry said.

I logged onto twitter on my phone.

I immediately saw a lot of mean things being said to me.

Tears started to form into my eyes but I blinked them away.

I saw that Eleanor backed me up on one tweet.

I smiled and thanked her for that.

I get why the lads ‘fans’ are being mean to me.

I thought they cared if Niall or me were happy.

But no.

They only want themselves to be happy.

I put my phone away.

“You alright, Liz?” Zayn said.

“Yeah. Just fine” I said.

He didn’t seem to buy that be he shrugged it off.

“We have a concert today” liam said.

I nodded and stood up.

“Thanks for the sandwich. I’m gonna go change” i said grabbing the sandwich Niall made me.

I pecked his lips and went into my room.

I changed into a light blue jean shorts.

I put on a loose white tank top, my black converse and I let my hair loose.

Once I was satisfied with how I look I went out of room and into the lads.

“Ready?” Liam said.

“Yupp” i said popping the p.

We got to the arena and we went through the same routine before each concert.

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