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I'm sorry baby but I will make it up with you tonight! I know you are angry at me but in our anniversary you will be happy! That's my promise! Said Mew to himself and get back on work because he wanted to go to Gulf ASAP!

Soon Mew and his dad reached to home and saw Gulf and his mom was serving food on dining room and talking with each other and giggling. Just like old times. Mew and his dad looked at each other and smiled. They really missed to see this.

" We are home honey! " Said Mew and his dad in unison. Gulf and Mew's mom looked at them and went to them and hugged.

" Welcome back darling! " Said Mew's mom.

" Welcome back. " Said Gulf coldly. Mew sighed and nodded and gave a soft peck on his cheeks.

" Good to see you both like this! It's being a while I saw you both like this! " Said Mew's dad. Gulf and mom both nodded happily but Gulf didn't even looked at Mew as he was sulking that Mew is not allowing his friends to come.

" You two go and get fresh till then me and Gulf is waiting for you here! Go go fast fast! " Said Mew's mom. Both son dad nodded and they went to their room to get fresh.

" Son, is there anything wrong between you and Mew? I saw you are stressed. You can share with me naaaaa! I know what I did to you, you won't trust me that now but I'm your mother also na! For once tell me what happened? " Asked Mew's mom.

" Mom! Please don't think this I already forgave you and between you and me there is nothing glitches and hard feelings now! I really love you as mom more than mother in law. " Said Gulf with a beautiful smile. She smiled and hugged Gulf.

" I'm so lucky to have you in my life as son! I'm glad Mew choosed you but I really wished you two to take next step in your marriage. " Said Mew's mom. Gulf looked down.

" It's not like I don't want to but.... If Mew don't agree then why I will? I can't force Mew for this. I will respect his decision and if one day he wants to then only we will do or else... It's okay if he want us to be husbands only not parents. " Said Gulf. She nodded but they didn't realised Mew and his dad heard the conversation.

" Son, Gulf really wanted a son. It's being about to one year of your marriage. Why don't you adopt a son? Or with surrogacy also you can. " Said Mew's dad. Mew just sighed and they went to the dining room and sat. Gulf and mom sat with their husbands and servants were serving dinner to them.

" So? Everything is set?? For your anniversary party son? " Asked Mew's mom. Mew nodded happily.

" Yes! All set now just tomorrow's day everything will be done till evening and then... Day after tomorrow... Party! " Said Mew. His parents nodded happily but they saw Gulf was sad and looking to the food and not even smiling.

" Son? You are not happy with this? Is there anything you want? Tell me naa! " Said Mew's mom. Gulf shook his head.

" He is angry on me. " Said Mew while eating dinner. Gulf sighed.

" What he did now son! Tell me! " Said Mew's dad.

" Let it be dad. As if he will agree in that. Let things go as per he want as usual. I have no importance at all for anything. My wish are nothing. " Said Gulf.

OBSESSION...HEAVEN OR HELL? (2) (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now