Long Time, No See

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We grab Sitwell and we get in a car. Sam drives, Steve is in the front passenger seat, Sitwell in the backseat on the left, me in the middle, and Nat on the right.

"Hydra doesn't like leaks," says Sitwell. "Then why don't you try sticking a cork in it?" says Sam. "Insight's launching in 16 hours. We're cutting it a little bit close here." says Nat. "I know. We'll use him to bypass the DNA scans and access the helicarriers directly," says Steve. "What? Are you crazy? That is a terrible, terrible idea." says Sitwell in response.

Then there is a thud on the roof and a metal arm breaks the window showering me with glass and the metal arm reaches through and grabs Sitwell by the neck and throws him out the window where he is run over by traffic. Nat's eyes get wide as she looks through the window and sees that the metal arm is holding a gun.

Then the gun shoots through the car roof and Nat climbs into Steve's lap and I sit on the armrest with my legs on Nat's lap. Steve grabs the driving stick and moves it forward stopping the car sending the Winter Soldier flying off of the car.

Where he lands on the ground and slides using his metal arm to slow himself down scratching the concrete. Nat holds up her gun as we are hit by a Hydra car from behind making Nat drop her gun. We are forced to keep driving since the car that hit us is locked onto our car.

We almost run over the Winter Soldier who does a flip over our car just in time landing on top of it though shattering more of our windows. Sam slams on the breaks then he keeps going. Nat tries to reach for her gun but can't quite reach it so I use my telekinesis to grab it for her.

The Winter Soldier reaches through our windshield breaking it and showering me and Sam in glass and he rips out our steering wheel. Nat tries to shoot him through the roof but she misses as he jumps from our car to the Hydra car behind us.

The Hydra car crashes into ours and we hit the freeway sidewall and Steve uses his shield to break open the door. Sam grabs me and we hold onto Steve and Nat as we fall out of the car on the door and slide across the road. Sam rolls off of the door and Nat, Steve, and I manage to stay on as we slide from the momentum of the crash.

We get up and see that the Winter Soldier is being handed a big gun of some kind by someone who works for Hydra. He shoots at us and Steve shoves Nat and me out of the way and we run.

I look back as we run and see Steve with his shield in front of him get hit by the bomb and go flying off of the freeway and disappear out of sight.

I hear a big crashing sound so that can't be good. Nat, Sam, and I were behind a car, and then Hydra people start rapidly shooting at us so we run, I go with Nat to the right and Sam goes straight.

Nat and Sam shoot their own guns from behind cars and I make telekinetic energy balls and throw them at the Hydra people knocking one of them down.

Then the Winter Soldier shoots another one of those bombs at Nat and me and we jump over the freeway lane separator wall and onto the other side of the road. Nat rolls over a car and I sprint to try to keep up with her.

Then the Winter Soldier shoots yet another bomb at us and it hits a car in front of us and we jump over the freeway wall onto the road below.

Nat uses a grappling hook and does a cool flip and I do a backflip and use my telekinesis to catch myself before hitting the ground as the car explodes behind us.

Nat runs and wow is she fast I really have to sprint to keep up. We look at the ground and see the shadow of the Winter Soldier standing with his guns ready on the freeway. I spot Steve's shield but I know better than to grab it.

Nat stands out of the Winter Soldier's line of sight and shoots at him. Then I see she broke his glasses and made him really mad because then he starts to rapidly shoot at where we were standing before. Nat starts shooting from our new spot behind a truck.

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