C h a p t e r 25

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It was a couple weeks later from the attack all I could think about was pansy she died and I could have done something.

I've been in one of the Malfoy manor guest room since she died.

I haven't left I still can't believe it she was my best friend the one I could story's to, laugh at, make fun of.

Just the other week she was smiling at my jokes laughing and talking about boys and know she is gone.

We shared a room together we stayed up at night to talk we would talk about boys and about how she wanted to travel the world.

How she wanted to do all this stuff when she was older.

But she couldn't she was gone she died right in front of me.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my door.

I didn't answer but as I didn't I heard a familiar voice "come on y/n open the door you have to eat and my father wants to talk to you" I heard mattheo's voice.

I got up and walked towards the door I open it to see Mattheo standing there sending me a sweet smile as i walked out.

I was in sleeping wear but I don't care.

I walked down some stairs to see some death eaters looking at me like I'm crazy.

I walk with Mattheo following me.

I made it to Voldemort's office that used to be Lucius.

I don't care at this point so I open the door to bellatrix and snape they looked at me shocked at how I walk in calmly.

Voldemort seemed happy fo some reason.

He looked at what I was wearing as Mattheo looked away feeling disappointed about what I just did.

"Well look at this the girl who threw me to a wall" he said standing up.

"Ok" I said.

Everyone looked at me with wide eyes.

"What, ok look ms. gurl I am not the one that failed to kill a baby... so why do you want me here" I said/asked.

He looked at me like as if he was mad but also happy.

"I need you in the battle seeing as the powers you have are more then to destroy anyone"

"I'm sorry what now, bitch one of your death eaters killed my friend in front of me and this is what you say"

"Well yes" he said back.

I looked him feeling as if I want to kill him.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME" I yelled as I felt power come to me.

"Y/n relax" I heard Mattheo who was right behind me.

I looked at him to see hopeful eyes meet right back to me.

I looked back at Voldemort who looked between me and Mattheo who had his arms wrapped around me.

"Is there something going here that I should know" he asked.

"No" I said back.

I looked over at Mattheo who looked back at me.

"I'm not going to battle" I said turning back to Voldemort who looked mad.

"I'm not I don't care if your mad"

"Ok then, I guess it is time you meet some people" as he said that the doors open and in came the people from my dream.

"WTF" I yelled.

"Calm down y/n" Mattheo whispered in my ear.

"I thought you guys were fake I thought you were just from a dream how the hell are you here" I asked.

"Well it wasn't a dream and hollow died the moment you teleported or something you were able to kill we just don't know how" Katherine said.

"Yep your still a mikaelson" Klaus said.

"I'm sorry who the hell are you guys and what is happening" Mattheo asked.

I turned to look at him he looked back at staring at me waiting for a answer.

"These are my family my real family I'm adopted and well my family is thousands of years old and I'm not lying my dad is the original hydrid first vampire and werewolf in the world the rest of my family are original vampires the first ones some are witches like Davina and freya they are witches I'm the original tridib" I explained.

He looked at me with wide eyes before yelling a big WHAT.

"Yeah to activate my sides I have to die and that's how I become a vampire and to activate my werewolf sides I have to kill someone or hold someone's dead body" I said looking at him who still looked shocked at what happened.

"Are you guys going to battle" I asked them.

"Yes our family is the definition of battling and powerful" Klaus said.

"So I'm a mikaelson"


There will be an epilogue but I really wanted to finish this story because I feel like writing a arranged marriage about a Mattheo love story she is going to be one of Voldemort's loyal followers

And yeah I really want to write that book.

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