Part 6

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Amane's POV

I watch as yashiro stare at the h/c haired male dreamily. My eyes twitching in annoyance as my fist clench itself in anger. My teeth grinding against each other. My eyes glaring a million daggers on the e/c eyed male's head. While the male talk to a boy on my class. Silently the h/c haired male stop infront of the door of the homeroom economics classroom. The h/c haired male then reach out for the door knob and turn it the other way opening the door. Moving aside as he give a close eyed smile while welcoming my classmates to walk inside already. As it was my turn to walk in. I didn't bother to look at the h/c haired male and thank him. I could feel the male's confuse gaze before he lightly shrug his shoulder and welcome my other classmates in. 

I walk towards the hanger and roughly grab two apron. Stomping my way straight towards yashiro's way. The white haired daikon leg girl turn to look at me and smile softly. My blank expression then turn soft as i give the apron to yashiro. "Thank you Amane". She said and put on the apron. A small smile unconciously appear on my face as i also put on my apron and tie the knot on the back. "Here. Let me help you." I said then i grab yashiro's apron from the back and tie the knot of her apron ever so softly. Yashiro then thank me again before turning her attention to the h/c haired male who was straightening up his apron. The tall male then look at my classmate with that annoying smile still plastered on his face. "So today you're going to bake some desserts you like. Your work will be graded accordingly. And from what i remember. You'll be put into two partner. You can go pick who ever you want to be partnered with. Just remember that if one of you who was your partner didn't help you're scores will be deducted. Alright good luck everyone. I'll be here watching y'all if you ever need help". The male softly said.

My classmates then began to scatter to find their partners while i stayed by yashiro's side. I then turn towards the white haired girl and pointed at the cabinet behind me. Yashiro nod her head and we walk  towards the cabinet and open it. I quickly grab the baking ingredients and walk back to our table. Then i put the baking ingredients on the table.

Yashiro then a grab a bowl, spatula and an electric mixer

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Yashiro then a grab a bowl, spatula and an electric mixer. Then she grab the  cake flour and took out a scissor from one of the drawers underneath the table before cutting the wrapper of the cake flour. Swiftly yashiro then pour the cake flour on the bowl and took three eggs from the egg carton and took a small spoon and make a clicking noise on the egg. The egg then break apart and we watch as the egg yolk and its whitening pour itself on the bowl. yashiro softly repat the process on the two eggs. After the flour and egg was finish. Yashiro plug the electric mixers pulgger on the electric plug and she stood back up and put the electric mixer on the bowl then turn it on.

The mixer then began stirring. Yashiro look at me and told me to do the same procedure on the chocolate.



You lean on the counter with your arms behind your back. You watch as all the students silently talk among eachother while doing they're work. Your eyes then scan the group of students before it landed on two person who stayed on the back. Amane and Yashiro. You watch the two focus they're attention on what they were doing. A hum simply leave your lips. You then turn you attention back to where you were looking not before you caught sight of one student struggling to do her work. You walk towards the girl and look at her work. A mess. The girl was almost on the verge of crying. You pat the girl's head and she look at you. She seem to be alone. No one was grouping with her. 

You grab the bowl she was holding and wash the wet flour inside. "I'll help you with this task. Okay?" You ask and the girl shyly nod her head and watch you.  You grab the opened flour and grab another dry bowl and pour the flour inside then you crack an egg by clicking it on the bowl before opening it letting the egg yolk and whitening pour inside. Then you grab the mixer beside you and give it to the girl who took it. Them you push the bowl infront of her. The student seems hesitant at first. So you took her hand and put the mixer inside the bowl and began mixing it ever so softly. The girl lightly blush and said a small 'thank you' under her breath. 

You only hum in return. Your attention still on the mixing of bowls infront of you. Once it was done you grab the chocolate flour and rip off its wrapper before pourinf it on the mix flour and egg. Then you watch as the girl stir the bowl herself. After a minute you and the girl pour the chocolate on the cupcake molder. You watch as small mees began to create on the steel.  You took a small tissue out from the tissue holder beside the girl and wipe the molder's choco mess.  The girl softly smile and put the molder inside the oven. "What are you gonna put on the cupcakes..." i stop. The girl then look at me and introduce herself. "Hello y/n senpai. My name is Ichikura Renji.". I nod  my head and ask again. " So what's the topping fro your cupcakes Renji?".

The girl then replied. "I was going to put some icing as toppings for the cupcakes. But seeing that no one is grouping with me. I was afraid of making a mess since this is my first time making my first cupcake." I hum and watch the timer. The girl then walk towards the firdge and took some icing wrapper and walk towards me. The timer then started rining once renji put the icing wrapper on the table. I quickly took a glove annd put it on. Then i open the oven and grab the cupcake molder with a metal like fork. Then i put it on the cloth on the table letting the smoke to run free. After the bake cupcake cool down. I took all of the cupcakes and help renji decorate the cupcakes with icings. 

Then ouf of nowhere the school bell rings signalling the end of their second lesson. Renji sigh in relief as she pack some of cupcakes on a box. Then she turn to look at me with a smile. Her hand holds the box as she give it to me. "Senpai. Thank you for helping me do my first cupcakes. I want to give this box of cupcakes to you. I hope you like it." She said. I smile and pat the girl's head. "Thanks Renji." I replied and stood up. "Alright class 1-A. You may head out now. I hope you have fun." You said and the students clap their hands with a cheer.

Then they began walking out with their bake dessrts on their hands. I softly wave at the class and took the apron off my form before putting it on the hanger. Then i walk out the HOME ECONOMIC classroom. Closing the door behind me. Then i head back to the student council office room with the box of cupcakes in my hand.


Yashiro Nene X Male! Reader  HighSchool AU!Where stories live. Discover now