Alone with why-man

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You stood up and checked on the radio, switching on various frequencies: nothing. You took a portable radio with you (the kind you'd take for performances and for 'man on the street' type of content) and went out on a large balcony. As soon as you stepped out, you heard an inhuman voice coming from the radio.
"12,800,000 meters, one second. 12,800,000 meters, one second."
"Wow, so you can see us." you talked into the mic, looking up at the sky. "Good."
It kept repeating the same thing in Senku's voice over and over again.
"It's useless, Joel's watch isn't connected to this frequency. Plus I'm pretty sure the medusa must be out of battery now."
It just kept going. You sighed, deciding to talk over it.

"You know," you said as you went back inside. "one day some asshole asked what instrument would suit him more. I said an otamatone then and I still do now." your eyes narrowed. "They're sneaky little bastards who shouldn't be underestimated." your voice became grave for a moment before going back to normal. "But as a joke, I first said a pipe organ. Because they're evil and scary." you paused. "But do you know why they're scary?"
Why-man kept repeating itself (rude). It wasn't as scary as it was the first time it talked.
"Personally, they freak me out sometimes. And there are two main reasons for that: the instrument itself, and the way it's presented."
As you talked, you've arrived in your studio and made your way to the storage room where all the instruments were.

"Pipe organs are literally the most extreme instrument ever created by man." you walked towards the back of the room. "The concept is simple enough: the keyboard's plugged to the pipes and when you press a key, air goes into the pipe and it makes a sound. In the modern days, the air is supplied with a motor pump, but back then, other people would pump the air. One of the oldest pipe organs had around 400 pipes and you'd need seventy men to pump the air into it."
You paused to let the information sink in, but then you remembered you were talking to a robot, so you kept going.

"So yeah, it took a lot of people because pipe organs are *gigantic* some pipes could reach several stories tall and the mechanics of the instruments were sometimes built *into* the building." you stopped once you saw the keyboard built into the wall. "Like this one. It takes architects to build these freaks." you stepped closer then began to pace around. "And their size matches their sound, these are *powerful* instruments. Like they're not just loud, hell, they can reach pitches not even the human ear can hear. But, they're also really fuckin' complicated. So complicated I'm having a headache just thinking about it. Famous example: see how pianos have those three pedals that have their own use? Well pipe organs' pedals are just the keyboard again. That's right: you can play it with your feet. Some pieces were written entirely for these pedals, although I try not to think about the reasons why."
You chuckled.
"So already, you have a player who can play with his hands and his feet at the same time. Talk about a workout. Now looking at the different rows of keyboards, one might think that each key would correspond to each pipe in the organ right? Well yes and no. You see uh... okay hold on I need to sit down for this one."
You sat on the organ's stool, putting the radio aside and massaged your temple for a moment.

"Okay so..." you eventually said. "Not all pipes are the same, they don't make the same kind of sound. Like flute and clarinet. There are different types, and so that's what the keyboards are for. But I know I know, there's only two, sometimes three keyboards and yet there are hundreds and hundreds of pipes. Well that's what those levers are for." you uselessly pointed at the levers on the sides. "When you pull one, you're supplying the air to one group of pipes, with a certain type of sound and pitch. If you pull several of them, you engage with multiple group of pipes and it sounds like multiple hands are playing. Some companies back then would literally attach other instruments to the organ: piano, drums, violin you name it. It was a one-man band kind of situation."
You huffed. Talking about pipe organs and explaining them would always tire you intellectually.
"So you have to manage where the air goes, play on multiple keyboards at a time, and you're also playing with your feet. Let me tell you, when I see a master organ player, I am both amazed and creeped out. Because also, it takes balls to play an organ. Remember, they're loud as hell. So when you play one, you'd have to expect the entire city to hear you. So imagine back then how people would practice playing the organ without being put on the spot? Only the super wealthy could practice at home with way smaller ones, then they'd walk into church and play like they haven't been practicing for months! I'm sure that to everybody listening they were highly privileged musical geniuses or something.

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