35. what happened

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present time again :
Y/N Pov.:

"Yeah we talked yesterday. What happened 2 days ago ?" i asked worried.

"Maybe she shouldn't find it out that way." Evelyn said.

"But she need to." Josh said.

"You know i can hear you. And whatever it is, i want to know it now." i said.

"Tom cheated on you." Josh blurred out.

"Wow, you couldn't do that more sentimental." Evelyn said.

I still needed to realise what he said. "He wouldn't do that. He just said that he loved me more than anything yesterday."

"I'm sorry, hun. But there are pictures." Evelyn said.

Tears formed in my eyes. "Uhm okay... well i acturally need to hang up now."

"Potato-" Josh said but i hung up. I tried to not let my tears fell down before i checked instagram. And they were right.

My page was full of pictures with Tom kissin a girl, them both laughing or her having her thumb at his mouth. I clicked on the pictures with them together. My heart broke in thousand pieces. I clicked on the tagging and saw that she was Nadia. The girl I said would be okay for him to meet.

I trusted him and her that nothing would happen. I gave him my full trust and he just broke it.

And, and... and he didn't even told me. He just lied. That's what he wanted to tell me yesterday. Just because i didn't knew of it doesn't mean he could tell me.

I throw my phone away and ran out to knocking at Chris door. Second later he opened it and his smile dipped when he saw me. "Y/N what happened ?"

"Tom and I are a couple and he cheated on me. I need someone, now." i said and hugged him. He didn't asked more. He hugged me back, lifted me up and walked with me in his room and closed the door behind him. We stood now next to his door with me crying in his chest and him trying me to calm down a little.

15 minutes later my sobbed because quieter and smaller. He let me go to look at me. My eyes were probably blood shot and puffy, with tears on my cheeks. He whipped them gently away.

"You want to get pizza to my room instead of dinner downstairs ?" he asked and i nodded. "Go and put you some comfy clothes on while i deliver the pizza."

I did what he told me and changed in my room in some sweatpants and a oversized hoodie. It was hard to see one of his hoodies in my wardrobe. After that i walked back to Chris room and sat down on the couch.

"Pizza will be here in 10 minutes." he said and sat down next to me. He put his arm around me and pulled me in his chest. "You want to talk about it ?"

"My brother and his wife just called me. They said he cheated in me and i didn't want to believe them so i hung up. I checked instagram and it was full of him and her kissing and laughing." i cried again in his chest.

"Had you guys problems ?" he asked carefully.

"No, not at all ! We 2 were a little busy with filming the last month but that's it. I also loved with him while corona." i groaned. "I gave him my full trust."

"What do you mean with that ?" he asked.

"I let her live with him while he was in germany. I said i trusted him. I gave him a key to my house as a sign for my trust." i stood up. "I never trusted someone in that kind of way. He knew i had trust issues! And he did that ?! What the hell is wrong with him ?" i said angry.

Chris slowly walked to me. "Calm down Y/N."

"Don't tell me to calm down !" i said and tears run down my cheeks again. "He used my trust." i walked around the room and Chris came to me and pulled me in a hug. "No !"

"Y/N calm down." he said and hugged me tighter so i could push him away. I tried to fight against it but i gave up and broke down in his chest.

"He hurt me." i cried in his chest. "I can't live without him anymore."

Chris didn't said anything and just stroked my back and my head, while i cried.

"What if it's fake ?" he said and i didn't have him an answer. "I didn't saw the pictures but i know Tom wouldn't cheat just like that. You should talk with him about it."

"I can't." i whispered.

"Maybe not now, maybe not over the phone. When you get back." he said.

"I can't just come home and then talk with him about it. I need to think about everthing." i whispered in his chest. "It's not only that he cheated, or not, it's also that he didn't told me about the kiss. He lied to me, Chris. And i won't have enough time to think about it here with filming. I need my calm place to think about i properly."

"How about that, we film this movie and then you go back home. You take your time at home but not too much. And then you talk o him." he said.

"He will come to my place when he knows that i'm there and ignoring him." i said.

"He will also me concerned when you ignore him this week." he said.

"He won't. I told him many times that it could happen that i can't call him that much because of the stress of filming. But when he knew i'm back and i won't come to him, than he will come to me." i said.

"How about that, when he calls me to ask about you than i'm just telling him that we need to film some days longer." he said and i looked up at him.

"You would do that for me ?" i asked.

"Of course, i would do anything for my daughter." he winked and i laughed. "Look, there is this beautiful laugh."

"I laugh like a pig." i said.

"That doesn't matter." he said. "Now that you told me your little secrets, i can tell you that i'm dating someone right now."

My eyes whidened. "FINALLY ! I waited for that my whole life. Tell me everthing about her." i said and sat down on the couch.

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