032. jabberjays call

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( 𝒉𝒖𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒚'𝒔 𝒇𝒂𝒖𝒍𝒕𝒔 )
thirty two.『 JABBERJAYS CALL


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INDIE FEELS DIZZY FROM MOVEMENT BUT SHE PUSHES IT ASIDE. Instead she presses her hands against what seems like a glass wall. But glass walls are breakable, and this one was not. No matter how hard she pushes at it it refuses to give way, Johanna had already tried throwing her axe at it and the axe just bounced back. Adrenaline pumps through her veins as she struggled against the barrier, Peeta and Johanna both copying her actions as fear rushes through all of them.

The world seems to be moving in and out of focus as she presses on the barrier, and she feels helpless as suddenly Katniss and Finnick come into view, running towards them. Her heart aches seeing the look on his face as he comes running towards her. Both Katniss and Finnick don't seem to notice the barrier, as they slam right into it and are tossed back. Katniss appears the luckiest as her shoulder takes the worst of the impact. Meanwhile Finnick slammed face first into the ground that causes his nose to start gushing red blood and she is sure everyone winced sympathetically as Peeta tries to use a knife to break the barrier.

She can hear Peeta talking to Katniss ━ or trying to. She doesn't know if Katniss can hear him.

She doesn't listen to him though, instead she crouches near where Finnick is holding his nose, meeting his terrified eyes. A look she'd never seen grace his face and she longs to hold him and tell him it'll be alright. But she can't, so she just crouches, pressing her hand to the barrier and holding his gaze. Trying to convey what she was thinking without words.

But when the birds arrive, the jabberjays, she thinks, capitols mutts, he puts his head down, clenching his hands over his ears as though trying to crush his skull in order to block out the noises of the birds. Katniss tries fighting for a bit, firing arrow after arrow into the birds only for another to take its place. But finally she gives up and curls up like Finnick, trying to block out the calling of the birds.

They could no longer hear the calling of the jabberjays, just the seemingly harmless sound of water lapping onto the beach behind them and Peeta trying to call out to Katniss. Everything seemed so peaceful on their side, but Indie was certain that this was indeed the worst part as the birds began to dive bomb the duo before their very eyes, and the quartet on the other side were left useless and forced to watch as though watching a show.

As useless as watching from the safety of the Capitol, or home.

It seemed to take forever before she felt the barrier give way from beneath her finger tips, and she blinked confusedly as she heard the panting but then she was by Finnick's side, feeling very relieved. Her hand rubbed soothing circles on his back as he was still curled up, and she wasn't sure he could even hear the cooing sound she was making, gently shushing him.

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