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The pool was open for class 1A, the next day. By this point, everyone had a basic understanding of sign language, so it wasn't a big deal for him to take them out logically. But he really didn't want to. He slowly turned them off and then took them out. He hit his bed. No dice. The other three walked in. "Are they out?" Kirishima asked in sign language. "Y-yeah." He said. He still wasn't very confident with his voice when he didn't have his hearing aids in. They all went down to the pool. "Hey guys!" Sero and Mina yelled. Bakugou didn't respond. Deku tapped on Bakugou and then pointed at them. They both waved. Bakugou jumped into the water. He felt the water flood his ears. Bakugou swam to the surface to try and get it out. Deku rushed over to ask what was wrong. "Ow, oww, owww." He said. "Are you okay?" Signed Deku. Bakugou shook his head. "Thish iss mak-ing my ears h-hurt." They went to go sit on the side of the pool. Deku got a towel and tried to get all of the water out of Bakugou's ears. Luckily, they stopped hurting. If he got an ear infection, Bakugou could not wear his hearing aids until they healed. "Better?" Deku signed. Bakugou nodded his head.

Deaf BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now