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"They're waiting for the show to begin

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"They're waiting for the show to begin."


Jackson stood on the lacrosse field, silent and despondent. The world had changed around him, and it was bizarre. People he knew had died painfully; it resonated clearly in his mind. It was sickening to think about. 

He mourned for Ethan's brother. Jackson couldn't imagine what it was like to lose your other half. Although, he knew that it was best to give his boyfriend some space to grieve. Their breakup was mutual, but Jackson was the devastated one.

In the corner of his eye, he could see a figure approaching him. They were quite a distance away, so he hoped that he could make a quick getaway. 

"Hi." A female voice spoke from his right, making him jump.

He turned to find Jennifer Check, who had snuck up on him. "Oh, hey... Jennifer...?" 

Of course, he wondered how she reached him in a matter of seconds, but he assumed that she was just fast. In fact, he was more drawn to her new look than anything. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for your profound loss."

"You mean Aidan?" sniffed Jackson. "Yeah, he was a good friend."

She shook her head. "No, I was talking about Ethan."

Jackson squinted at her, confused. "What?"

"I heard that he dumped you," Jennifer told him. "I just wanted to check that you were all right." 

"No, I'm- I'm fine." He stumbled, slightly choking on his words.

Once again, Jennifer shook her head in response and raised a hand to caress his cheek. "You're hurt, just as I am."

"Did you lose someone too?" he asked.

"I was there." She stated with sorrowful eyes. Jennifer lowered her hand, acting nervous. "In fact, I'm pretty sure I was the last person to talk to Aidan. And he said to me that..." There was a noticeable hesitance that intrigued him. "No, I shouldn't say."

However, Jackson wanted to know more. "What is it? What did he say?"

"I really shouldn't. It will break your heart." Jennifer insisted as she shyly tucked a lock of hair behind her ear.

"It's okay, Jennifer. You can tell me." Jackson urged her.

Jennifer sighed. "If you really wanna know," she started, seductively biting her lip. "Aidan told me that Ethan's been hanging out with Danny recently. And when I say "hanging out", I mean they were totally making out behind your back."

Upon hearing her confession, Jackson bowed his head, feeling betrayed. "That's... That's, um..."

"I knew you'd feel this way if I told you. I just thought that you should know." She explained, pausing for a moment. "You had the right to know."

JENNIFER'S BODY | teen wolf auWhere stories live. Discover now