Chapter 16

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Andrea's P.O.V.

As he leaned in, I wanted him so bad, but I knew it wasn't right yet. He asked Bethany to the homecoming and if Bethany said yes, that probably meant she had some feelings for him, and I didn't want her to feel ditched about it.

My cheeks were definitely getting hotter, and my heart pumped by the feeling of Jacob's breathing right against my face. He stared at me and smiled for a second, then closed his eyes. Just as we lightly brushed out lips together, I moved back and shook my head.

He looked hurt, and I felt bad because at that moment, I just wanted nothing but the space between me and Jacob to be close, but I couldn't imagine Beth being hurt again.

"Jacob, I really like you, and I want you, but I know you and Bethany are going to homecoming together, and I don't really think it's okay for you to just kiss me right after asking her out."

"I... I'm sorry Andrea... I shouldn't of have done that. It went too fast, and I should of realized Bethany's feelings too. I'm sort for messing it up, I liked you the second I saw you, and I was going to ask you to the homecoming, but I just blurted it out to Beth first," frowned Jacob pushing the blanket cover away.

The minute he saw my dried tears and stained makeup I saw genuine sorry ness in his eyes and he started to play with his fingers. I grabbed his hands, and lightly pecked my lips onto his cheek to show that I wasn't angry at him.

He flashed a gentle smile and spoke softly, "should I tell Bethany that I want to go to homecoming with you

"No, don't say that. She can get hurt, you don't know the feelings that a girl has. We can go to the next homecoming together," I tried to look better than I probably actually was by spreading a wide smile across my face.

Like he was reading my mind he laughed. "Do you wanna go and wipe off that makeup?"

"Yes," I grinned and grabbed some makeup wipes off my night stand and walked to the bathroom.

The sticky, and disgusting eye makeup was finally rubbed off after using 2 wipes, and I threw my hair up into a messy bun.

"That's what I wanted to see. I'm sorry Andrea, I ruined such a beautiful face that you have," Jacob turned off his phone and we both got under my blankets.

"Wanna watch a movie?" my hands automatically grabbed my laptop and turned on a random movie that was in the recommended section.

He grinned at me and nodded, putting his arms around my shoulder like he always does during movie nights.

I fell asleep halfway through the movie but I was woken up when a felt slight shaking.

"Andrea, wake up," Jacob's voice called.

"Oops, sorry I was feeling tired."

"No, that's alright, but I think we should get some homework done before the day passes by."

Crap, I forgot about homework, and looking at the time, it was already 7:00 pm.

"What about dinner? Are we gonna eat?" I asked staring blankly at Jacob's smiling face.

"Sure, what do you want to eat?" he asked looking hungry himself too.

"I'll just microwave some pasta, and we can eat that."

"That sounds perfect. Do you want me to go down with you?"

I looked at him for a while and nodded, because of how cute he was.

"I knew you would like the company. Who wouldn't like such a hot and loyal guy like me to microwave food with them?" Jacob grinned and poked me teasingly.

"I never asked for you to come, you're the one who asked you dumb butt."

"Puh-lease! I knew you would appreciate it if I asked," he was one sassy boy.

"Go back then, I really don't care," I said looking at him straight in the eye.

"Come on Andrea!! Just admit that you love me like I do!" he whined jokingly. If I heard him correctly, he just said he loved me.

"Fine!" I held my arms in surrender. "I love you too," I muttered sarcastically, but I knew deep down that I meant it.

"There you go! Now you're speaking the truth," he kept poking me down the stairs and wrapped his arms around my waist.

I tilted my head up to face him and I smiled. He looked at me too and I made eye contact with gorgeous light brown eyes. He started to leaned in to kiss my cheek.

I ran out of his arms before he could give me a peck and dashed down the stairs into the kitchen. Jacob followed right behind me yelling me to stop. I got to the kitchen and was catching my breath when Jacob wrapped his strong arms around me and threw me up in the air.

"Jacob!! Let me down!" I pleaded throwing my legs everywhere playfully.

Jacob smirked and continued to spin me in his arms. "That's what you get for running away from my irresistible presence," he spoke, being the playful Jacob he always was.

I opened the big white freezer, and pulled out 2 small boxes of wrapped pasta. Jacob was getting out 2 forks and pouring some apple juice that was in the fridge. After 7 minutes of microwaving both pastas, we both got a seat on the couch and Jacob brought down the homework we had to do.

"Ugh I don't like homework! School is so useless, were YOUTUBERS not professional nerds," I commented. I wanted to rip the stupid science paper and throw it across the room.

"I know I hate it too, but Mr. Potskey will get pissed off if we don't do it."

Mr. Potskey was probably one if the meanest teacher, and he so happened to be my science teacher.

After about an hour or finishing piles and piles of homework, I rested my head on Jacob's shoulder and we just sat on the couch in silence.

My mom came in, but we didn't say anything but hi and let her do her work. I remembered when I was young, my dad would always creep on me when he came from work. The entrance was sort of far away from the couch so you couldn't hear the creaking noise of the door.

"Andrea," Jacob wrapped his arms around me tightly and I wrap my arms around his waist. I know I said that I don't think doing this is right for Bethany, but it's not like we're making out or anything.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Would it be weird that I'm in love with a girl?"

For a second, I thought he was talking about Bethany. "No, but it depends on who it is."

He smiled at me and just stared at me. "It's you."

I snuggled closer to him and nodded. "I love a guy too."

"Who is it?" he questioned me.

"You idiot! It's you," I laugh and we just sit there in silence.

Breaking the silence, I heard, "Hey guys-" it was an awfully familiar voice.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm so sorry it took so long and thank you guys so much for 1.10+k reads!

OMG GUYS DID YOU SEE JACOB'S NEW TATTOO? I honestly had no idea he would be the first out of the boys to get a tattoo... But if he likes it, I'm happy for him.

Anyways, I've been talking to really sweet user on wattpad, and I would love to talk to more of you guys! I think that the girl I talked to is reading this, I think you know who you are, I just wanted to say thank you so much for always responding and being really supportive!

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed, and I hope I can update more frequently now. Thanks so much for reading!

xoxo Motafictions💕

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