Chapter 7

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Jungkook didn't know how to react at first seeing a stranger passed out in their camp but his soldier instincts kicked in and immediately knelt by me by the strangers side.

"Alright you need to explain to me from the top." He held my shaking hand firmly.

I had been walking upstream, finding that there wasn't anything particularly interesting, entertaining myself by hopping upon the larger rocks and balanced on them until I nearly slipped and fell upon the sight of a familiar man in the distance, laying upon the pebble shore, half of his body was in the water.

Now in broad daylight, I could see his handsome features and ruffled brown hair, he looked ethereal. Quickly running to his aid I gasped to see a rushed bandage on in his shoulder, unwrapping I found out it was a gunshot wound. I instantly checked whether he was still breathing through his nose but it was faint so I shook him, attempting to get him to wake up but he wasn't budging. I didn't know what else to do but carry him back to camp to aid the stranger.

Although my initial survival instincts told me to be cautious about this man if I were ever to see him again but currently he was wounded so all rationality was thrown out the window. He could still be a survivor that needed help, and I wasn't going to abandon a bleeding man.

"So you carried him all the way here?" Jungkook asked mildly impressed.

I shook my head, "not exactly, I used this." Pointing at a rather large leaf, similar to a banana leaf beneath him, but it seemed more durable and much larger. "I found it near where I was and managed to drag him upon it like a makeshift stretcher, but—" I groaned and threw back my head in an act of exhaustion from the recent memory. "Although it made the task seem more manageable, I wouldn't say it was easier to pull him back here."

I recalled as I tried to pull at the leaf but the man was still a man, and was extremely heavy so I inch by inch pulled him as much strength as I could muster to get him here.

"It took me possibly an hour to finally get him here."

Jungkook hummed in reply, but was distracted taking the time to observe the man properly, he didn't look familiar so he wasn't a part of his unit. His army outfit however was similar to his and a few badges were still attached to his breast pocket. He examined them closely, seeing as they were a little worn, he managed to make out that this man was indeed from the same camp as he was. If only he could identify him, Jungkook was one of the newer recruits. By the time his hyung was dispatched for the first expedition, Jungkook only just had begun making friends with the army recruits.

"How's his wound?" He asked.

"It's alright, it seems the bullet is out. I felt around and didn't feel anything unnatural." I explained, when I found him, his wound was roughly bandaged with a ripped piece of cloth so when I did manage to get him here, I re-bandaged it with what medical supplies we had. "Do you think he'll wake up?" I looked up at Jungkook worried.

There didn't seem to be any other injuries and the bullet wound wasn't close to any vitals so the mysterious man would be fine.

"Yeah, I think he will be. Also—"

"Ow—!" I gasped and clasped my forehead, "what the hell was that for?!" I hissed at him.

"You should have alerted me. What if this man was only pretending to be passed out and had taken you out!" Jungkook glared at me.

"B-but he wasn't ! He was actually injured and I couldn't just leave him there!" I argued back.

"Still Hana." Jungkook held her hand tightly, "you need to be careful. This isn't an ordinary place and for that matter this man here—" he pointed down at the comatose body, "could still be dangerous!"

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