Sokovia Misson

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"Hads, wake up! We are about to be in Sokovia!" says Nat. I wake up and immediately walk over the window since I haven't seen Sokovia in about three years.

As we fly I take in the view, it's snowy, with a few mountains, and of course the city where everyone lives.

We arrive right on time at 9:45 AM on the border of the Hydra property line so they won't be able to see the Quinjet. Of course, we will fly the jet a little into the property line but for now, we stay here.

10:00 AM arrives and we fly a little into the property line. We are trying to have the element of surprise but we'll see. Then we attack and are met with some Hydra guards who alert the Hydra base that we are here.

Nat takes over a Hydra Jeep with Clint and me, Steve rides in on his motorcycle, Tony flies, Thor battles using his hammer, and Bruce turns into the Hulk.

Then after taking down a good amount of Hydra soldiers, cars, and bunkers we get to a wall thingy, and Nat driving the Hydra Jeep turns it horizontally.

She jumps out doing a karate kick, Clint has an arrow ready, I am flying using my telekinesis with a telekinetic energy ball ready to launch, Steve does a jump with his motorcycle, Tony flies next to us, Thor also flies with Mjolnir summoning some lightning, and Hulk has his arm out to punch something. We land and the battle resumes.

Tony flies to the actual Hydra building and says "Shit!" "Language! Jarvis, what's the view from upstairs?" says Steve. "The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other Hydra base we've taken." says Jarvis, Tony's AI system.

"Loki's scepter must be here. Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it. At long last." says Thor as all of us except Tony who is trying to find a way in fight.

"Tony, if you want I could get you in really easily," I say. "Thank you Hadley, but we need you here on the battlefield." says Tony. "At long last" is lasting a little long, boys." says Nat after just taking down two Hydra soldiers at once. "Yeah. I think we lost the element of surprise." adds Clint. "I completely agree." I say.

"Wait a second. No one else is going to deal with the fact that Cap just said "Language?" says Tony.

I laugh as I send out a telekinetic energy ball at three Hydra soldiers.

"I know. Just slipped out." says Steve. As I fight I see a bluish silver go rushing past. But I shake it off and think I am daydreaming or just seeing things.

Once I finish fighting all of the soldiers in my area, I teleport to Nat to see if she needs help. I see her taking down three soldiers at once and I decide she is fine.

I teleport to Steve and he is using his shield and is fine. I know Thor and Hulk are fine and Tony is finding a way into the building so I teleport to Clint. Nat has made her way over to where Clint is and I am ten feet or so away.

I see a teenager but I don't get a close look because then he runs off leaving a quickly fading trial of bluish silver wisps.

Then I see Clint get shot by a bunker. Nat saw it too and we both run over to him. "Clint!" says Nat. "We have an enhanced in the field besides Hadley." says Steve. "Clint's hit!" says Nat as she tries to tend to his wound. "Somebody want to deal with that bunker?" says Nat. I start to get my powers ready to do so but Nat grabs my wrist and says off comms "Hads, no it's too dangerous." "Ok! I just want to help in any way possible." I say also off comms. Then Hulk arrives and destroys the bunker. "Thank you." says Nat.

"Stark, we really need to get inside." says Steve. "I'm closing in." says Tony. "The draw bridge is down, people." adds Tony.

"Hads, I've got Clint, go help Steve or help get the scepter." says Nat.

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