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Title: SOL

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Title: SOL

Author: teniyakisauce

Genre: Fantasy

Chapters Read: Prologue - 3

Title & Cover

The title works just fine! It's obviously the name of the main character, but it's a unique enough name that it does work as a title. It also gives off sunny vibes, and the book does seem to contain a fair bit of sun/moon imagery so that's cool. I don't fully understand why it has to be in all capitals, though that could just be a style choice since it's a short name. In any case, it's not the most inventive title in the world, but I like it anyway xD

I really love the cover. The parchment-y texture, the fancy swirls, the beautiful crown and sword, the font... it's just a very pretty cover, and very smoothly done. *applauds your designer* I also think it really fits the overall vibe of your world. So no issues there :D


I'm struggling to find much wrong with your summary xD The quote at the start isn't technically necessary -- the rest would stand on its own just fine -- but I actually think it complements the rest of the summary quite well. It sort of encompasses what you then elaborate on, if that makes sense.

You introduce our main event, that being the Masquerade. You introduce Sol, and I do like how smoothly you do that in just one sentence that sums up her situation without giving much away. Especially the emphasis on 'human' which infers the existence of fantasy beings within the story even though you don't necessarily state it, as well as showing that being human isn't exactly looked upon as good. You raise a whole bunch of questions that won't be answered without reading, which is definitely something a good summary should do.

I also like the second paragraph. You slide in the presence of magic and the possibility of romance really well. And then you throw that stand alone sentence in our faces to make clear what's at stake here -- Sol's life. Then a question, which is always good to end a summary with because people be people and don't want to say no xD

Like the book quote at the start, the quote at the end isn't necessary, but again I think it adds something by being all vague and cool-sounding, as well as hinting at our sun imagery again. And stars. People can't not like stars.

So yes, I'm just going to give your summary a big tick and move on. Oh, though I also will say that I love how short it is yet still gets across the necessary information, because that's hard to do. Basically, you need to teach me how to write a summary, not the other way round xD


You have lots of components to make a good hook, but it still doesn't feel quite right. But I'll start with the prologue, since that acts as your initial hook.

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