silence (avengers x reader)

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I looked at my teammates as they all stood their no emotions on their faces as Director Fury is locking me up in chains. I saw how much they believed Sharon over me and thats the day I knew how easily it was to be replaced. 

Sharon has had it out for me since the day she started coming over because of Steve. She knew she had no worries about Nat and Wanda because they were dating Bucky and Vision which only left me to worry about. She had no reason for it, if she asked she would've known I wasn't attracted to him at all. In other words. I was fucked.

All I remember is going out for some food and then coming back home to all of them staring and glaring at me, I noticed a small smirk on Sharon and I knew she did something, no she told them untrue things is what she did. Sharon told them that I was a double agent, a spy to HYDRA, and I was feeding them information about everyone. She was very good with photoshop because she took pictures of 'me' walking into the HYDRA bases. 

Back to the real story, I saw it in their eyes. I saw how betrayed they felt but lord knows how I felt when they looked at me and believed I was the monster. After working with them for five years I was the monster in the end of it but, they'll know. real monster soon.

They soon took me into questioning, Maria Hill was first. She asked me stupid and basic questions "why'd you do it?" "I didn't " I responded back. It was like this back and forth game for 10 minutes before she got pissed off and left. Fury tried but no luck either. 

Then they came in, my "friends" of five years came in and started grilling me in hard. "How could you betray us like that y/n?" "I didn't, the photos were staged!" "bullshit! it looks just like you!" I argued back and forth between Tony, Natasha, and Steve. I was tired of being accused so I held my hand up. "You guys believed a stupid blonde who's been here for three months over someone who's held secrets from the start, someones who been loyal and have been fighting by your side for five years with no doubts along the lines until she comes along."

I said before I see the guilt slowly ridden on their faces "I don't need your bullshit apologies when you find out how right I am, in fact I want nothing to do with anyone of you when I'm out of here." I said venom dripping out with my words. They all stared at me before they left the room.

I finally broke.

After them leaving and me running everything thats happened in the past two hours in my head its like a dam broke and I couldn't control it. I was sobbing by the time Fury and Maria come rushing in. They tried to calm me but I just shoved them away and begged to be put in a room by myself. They listened.

3 days

Its been 3 days since they deemed me a traitor.

The cell door opened and I slowly sat up, before I facing my whole team. They all had guilt ridden on their faces as shame held their heads down and in that moment I knew. They knew the truth. I wasn't ready to forgive yet.

"Y/N We-" Tony tried to speak first but I held up my hand to silence them. Silence. Thats how I was gonna torture them was with silence. I was known for always being the social butterfly, the talkative, emotional avenger who couldn't stay mad at anyone for too long but this. This was a dangerous one.

"Shut up, the lame ass excuses and bullshit won't work on me. Now watch out. If you need me, don't." I spat the coldness of my tone evidently on their faces as it turns to even more guilt and shame. They fucked up big time, they knew it'll take awhile for you to even begin to think of forgiving them

- 3 more days later -

I don't talk to anyone except for Wanda and Peter. Which was rare since they don't live at the tower anymore but other than that its silence in the tower. I loved seeing them walk around me like its eggshells, it gave me power that I was just eating up.

They've all tried to apologize but I would simply listen to them apologize before I retreat back to my room. Same thing again today but instead of one person in private it was Steve who said it out loud first in front of everyone. "Y/N, please Doll. We are truly truly sorry and we will never forgive ourselves." he pleaded.

I stared at him before looking around at the other and the tears poole in my eye before I started to speak looking at all of them. "You guys were so quick to become family, and even quicker to become people I could've given less of a shit about. YOU guys know exactly how hard it was for me to open up and trust you guys and you threw it away for some jealous blonde bitch. You all made me feel crazy fro feeling that way about her, you made me feel so replaceable." I said the last sentence softly letting the tears run.

"I love you guys so much, I suffered a week of torture, and beatings and everything above that and still never said a damn thing. I proved my loyalty and it looks like you'll all have to prove yours to me and gain my trust back as well and its going to be even harder this time." I said setting my food down on everything.

Steve nodded before he spoke again "Thank you. We know we have so much work to do." and you nodded before you surprisingly hug Steve tight. You sobbed into his chest before you could feel everyone give you a big group hug. It was gonna be hard to ever trust them again but hey. 

Family is such a hard lesson.

A/N: I know I posted two in one day but I was in a good mood lol. Enjoy!

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